Re:Does anyone have a Gibson SJ acoustic?
2011/09/02 18:39:38
hey Mike:
I've got an SJ Deluxe (purchased around 1970 or there abouts)
A fabulous sound (for a small body); yes the neck is quite thin but very playable.
I dropped it about twenty years ago (the neck had a small crack about half way through); it was nicely repaired by one of the best luthiers in Los Angeles.
Maybe it's just me but it's never quite sounded the same.
I saw one (looked nice) on EBay a few years back for $800; ( I know very little about what old guitars are worth but this seemed like a very good price)
If you are looking to buy one:
check the pick guard (where it meets the sound hole) closely: common place to find tiny cracks in the wood
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