Found; How To Set Seperate Snap and PRV Note Resolutions
I just found something that i've never noticed before in Sonar X1, a drop down menu in the top right hand corner of the PRV which makes it easy to to have one note resolutions set up in in Snap Settings and a different, independent note resolution set up for the PRV grid.
I'll try to post some pix later on, but for now, if you have Sonar X1 open in front of you, look at the tiny 3x3 grid icon up in the top right hand corrner of a PRV screen (it's at the same level as the Edit, View, Notes, etc Menus, but over to the far right hand side). If you click this icon, it lights up blue, and some additional icons slide open to the left, including a note resolution setting.
Right click on this note resolution setting to open a drop down menu, select the PRV grid resolution that you want, and then the menu closes and the the chosen resolution is shown in a blue button. This is the resolution now set in the PRV, and as long as the blue button remains lit, the PRV note setting will be independent of the Snap setting note resolution. (Really need some pictures to make it easier to see this.)
The PRV note resolution set this way is different from whatever you have in PRV->View->Grid Resolution; setting note resolution via this Grid Resolution menu deosn't seem to work propoerly for a lot of people. Personally, i keep Grid Resolution set on Follow Snap Settings, then change my Snap Settings with some custom key binding assignments whenever i want to change the PRV grid note resolutions. This works well enough for me, and i've never really had the need to have an indeoendent Snap Settings resolution.
In addition to the note resolution setting in this area i'm talking about in the PRV top right corner, the3x3 grid icon expands to show a couple of other icons; a midi icon and an upwards-left pointing arrow icon, both of which light up when clicked. I haven't figured out what these do...There's nothing i could find about them in the X1 Reference Guide.
Anyhow, in a couple hours i'll have access to a PC that's linked to s server (and i'll have some extra time) which i think i can use to post some pictures for this thread. Hope this is helpful to the X1 users who've been pulling out there hair over an inability to have independent Snap and PRV note resolutions (thought of course if PRV->View->Grid Resolution iisn't doing what you want it to do, maybe this 3x3 grid icon method of setting PRV resolution won't work either).
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