Jing screen and video capture
I just learned about Jing from Techsmith. A free app that will let you capture screen shots OR video and instantly email it. It might come in very handy for software issues where you want to use a video to show what's happening.
I can't get my sound working in the video mode yet but that might be because I use a Zoom R24. Anyway, if you haven't checked this out please do so at
http://www.techsmith.com/Jing/?gclid=CMLfgOmCyqsCFWYbQgodgBNU1A Rimshot
Sonar Platinum 64 (Lifer), Studio One V3.5, Notion 6, Steinberg UR44, Zoom R24, Purrrfect Audio Pro Studio DAW (Case: Silent Mid Tower, Power Supply: 600w quiet, Haswell CPU: i7 4790k @ 4.4GHz (8 threads), RAM: 16GB DDR3/1600
, OS drive: 1TB HD, Audio drive: 1TB HD), Windows 10 x64 Anniversary, Equator D5 monitors, Faderport, FP8, Akai MPK261