Loop Tempo

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2011/10/03 23:54:08 (permalink)

Loop Tempo

Hi all,
I have a loop from loop master that I want to drag into my project, it's a rex file.  The project tempo says 120 bpm, but I just recorded without a the metronome to get an idea down so the music isn't to a click.  When I drag the loop into the project it plays at the default 120 bpm, which makes the loop sound rushed.  I want to slow the loop down so it matches my piano track I made, how do i do that...

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    Re:Loop Tempo 2011/10/04 07:57:52 (permalink)
    the easiest way I can think of would be to change the project tempo until it matches the piano's beat.

    the audio will not be affected by the project tempo except that the waveform will change to match the new tempo - but the audio itself will not be affected.

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