Re:Some notes randomly not sounding in Dimension
2011/10/08 21:27:33
You need to check the note spacing and the note durations.
In midi, if two notes are the same pitch, and the first note is a whole note, as moused in to the PRV...and the note that follows it is the same pitch but has a start time BEFORE the first note ends.... basically it overlaps.... the second note will not get a trigger on signal.
I've run into this with a number of synths.
The solution is to edit the note. Shorten the first one so it ends before the next one starts and that should solve the problem of the missing notes. I don't use PRV but in Staff view, if you right click on the note, a NOTE PROPERTIES window opens and you can edit the note duration by ticks, as well as start times and pitch ....
This almost never happens if you use a midi keyboard to "play the notes" but can and does happen using staff and PRV to enter notes manually, or editing an existing midi source track.
Hope this helps you.
My website & music: MC4/5/6/X1e.c, on a Custom DAW
Focusrite Firewire Saffire Interface
"Just as the blade chooses the warrior, so too, the song chooses the writer "