Hey everybody!!!
I thought I'd share this!!
So afterall I have found a way to solve the long going problem with the mute and solo shift thing with the bcf2000 and sonar. I dont know if anyone else has done this or if there is any other solution out there but from my research i have found nothing. BUT! I got 2 BCF2000 and 1 BCR2000 working exactly as I want!! The I use the BCR2000 with AJ's plugin with Efestas brilliant version and in my own Mackie Mode!!! I use 2 presets on the BCR2000. One for controlling effects with AJ Efesta plugin and one in MY OWN mackie mode so I can use the buttons for different comands such as insert audio and midi tracks, dock and undock, zoom and many other things that now I can do using buttons and not the mouse. , And 2 BCF2000s in my own Mackie Mode. Top row of buttons for mute, an the other row of buttons for solo. NO SHIFT!!!! Faders for volume, rotaries for Pan and other stuff you could do in the normal Mackie mode like toggle inputs and outputs of tracks. Its easy to click 1 button on the BCR2000 and insert an Audio track and then with one rotaries on the BCF2000 toggle and select the inputs and outputs in that track. No need to take hands of controller and grab the mouse! For the top right 4 buttons and also the other assignable buttons on the BCF2000s I have assigned different commands. e.g I got 1 BCF2000 on the left that has track mode and stuff on the top right 4 buttons,and play, stop, scroll next meter and previous meter and on the lower 4 buttons. Then I got my BCR2000 right infront of me to control effects and give other commands like insert track, show hide insperctor (thats the pro channel pop up), show hide browser, and other stuff, and also control plugins with AJ Efesta plugin. and with record, play, undo redo buttons (nice update on the bcr 2000 to the selected track by moving the fader or soloing the track.) And on then I got my 2nd BCF2000 wit volume pans mute solos, and other commands on the buttons. anything you want that mackie and sonar offers. ALL FULL DUPLEX You can assing almost anything!! The only thing missing now is a button that would open the selected plugin. Like when you are controling reverb on a track with Aj Efesta plugin, it would be nice to have a button that would bring up that plugin window. And also to have an insert plugin like there is in cubase.
Oh. and you cant use the blue MCU emulator with this. But I dont need it. its all there! :)
I had found a way to do all the above but I had do double press the mute and solo buttons to unsolo or unmute a track. And I had to use the rotary buttons for select track. I found it inconvienient.
MUTE buttons SOLO buttons, work perfectly! I move the fader or solo a track and its selected and updated on my bcr2000. Just like the normal mackie mode but even better cos you can assing even more commands!! And commands YOU choose.
I have a really good hands off mouse workflow!!
I have done some Data Mapping MIDI command translations in Midiox!! If anybody wants to try this contact me and I'll send you the midi map I have done for solo, mute , and select tracks with the fader and the solo buttons. with that, you use a button on your BC device and Midiox translates it to the mackie mode command!
And to connect your 1st BCF2000 in S3 mode to your BCR2000 in U4 mode. And then connect your other BCF2000 with a MIDI interfce. It has worked sometimes for me in usb mode but I get a conflict. But none of that if its in standalone mode.
What to do on the BCF2000s
Set it to BC mode. Now you can edit the faders and knobs and buttons like this. this is how it works with my map. You can do your own with CCs if you want.
Faders from 1 to 8 press edit on the BCF2000 and make the setting like this: fader 1 (track 1 volume) to Pb channel 1 fader 2 (track 2 volume) Pb channel 2 e.t.c ....... fader 8 Pb channel 8 works full duplex!! the rotaries 1 - 8 are: rotary 1 cc channel 1 16, 0-127 rel 3 rotary 2 cc channel 1 17, 0-127 rel 3 rotary 3 cc channel 1 18, 0-127 rel 3 e.t.c
For the buttons, top row set them to notes 16 to 23 mutes for tracks 1 to 8
For the lower row set them to note 8 to 15 that is solos for tracks 1 to 8
Rotary buttons set them to notes 0 to 7 that is track arm.
All notes must be set with a value of 127
Every thing works in full duplex!!! But you dont get led updates on the pan rotaries on the bcf2000. but personaly i dont need it cos use my ears and i look at the screen.
Save yor preset!`
Now. Open midiox! Set the input of midiox to the interface connected to your bc unit. If you use your bcr2000 as the midi interface of your bcf2000, select it. if you are using another midi interface, select that.
Then select the out put of midiox to a MIDIyoke output. Say, Midiyoke output 1.
If you are using 2 bcf2000s, open a new midiox window. and set that to the other midi interface and a different output say midiyoke output 2.
Check if you have midi input to midiox from your bc units. Up to here you should.
Then go to Data Mapping in Midiox and load the map.! do it for each midiox you have open!
Open your Bcf2000s in SOnar Mackie mode. (dont worry.. its all ok! read below)
Open Sonar and go to control surface dialog box and insert your mackie control plugins with input from the output of midiox.
It will say midiyoke input 1. And the output to your midi interface that goes to your bc unit.
Now it should be working normaly. As on the normal Sonar mackie mode. If not. you havent done something right.
NOW!!! CLOSE the bcf2000 unit. And open it again in BC mode.
Thats it!! You should be able to have a "shift free" controller! with now shift pressing for the solo button. and any other command you want!!! :)
So, if anyone would like to try this let me know! I can send you the midiox map and a list of the mackie control mapping commands. (what midi note does what command)
For me, it works great! I have a full controling controller! It has made my workflow much easier!! Much faster!!
post edited by lost tears music - 2012/02/25 20:31:41