Re:Playback takes 2 seconds before starting
2011/10/12 23:27:21
What's your audio interface and what driver mode are you using? What hardware buffer latency setting are you using? What OS?
Listing your system specs can get you faster and more accurate help.
"It's not a song till it touches your heart. It's not a song till it tears you apart!" Lyrics of Amy Grant.
SONAR Platinum X64 (jBridge), Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit, Core i7 990X Extreme Edition Processor 3.46 GHz 6 Cores, Gigabyte EX58-UD5, Crucial Ballistix 24GB 1333MHz DDR3 @1333 MHz, TASCAM UH-7000, Behringer X-Touch, EVGA GTX 980TI Superclocked 6GB, 1TB Samsung EVO 850 SSD, 150GB, 320GB, 1TB 7200rpm HDDs