Re:automation not working at all???
2011/10/13 14:36:40
Maybe I am not seeing this right in the picture, but in the top track, it looks like neither read nor write (R or W) are enabled. In the bottom track, it looks like Read is on but Write is off.
Click the W (under the Solo button) to go into write mode (basically, arming the record function for automation). Make sure the R (read) is on/highlighted to play it back. This is cool because you can turn the automation off temporarily while working on a track by unchecking the R button.
When write is enabled (W button pressed), all you have to do is move faders, pans, etc. while the track is playing. (You do not have to hit the record button in transport to record automation.)
My apologies if you know all this already, but maybe this will help someone.
Regarding Tempo, I don't know what the original question was, but I change tempos by going to the Project menu and either inserting a single tempo change, or more frequently, a range of tempos (like slowing down at the end of the song.) You can also go to View | Tempo Map and draw tempos.