Does installing Expanded change my preferences?
Installed expanded yesterday night.
opended it with a custom template.
it immediately started playing back "something". couldn't press stop on the transport bar. Had to force Sonar to quit via task manager. Said the error was caused by nexus.dll (which was indeed included in my template).
second try:
no immediate loop-playback, phew. pressed play to play back a simple 4 bar kick drum. had a strange echo/delay sound after every kick. no idea why.
started to add some synths. it felt like time was slowed down. everything happened really slow, like latency was introduced.
=> it felt close to my first weeks with X1 after the release. i had to do days of tweaking the settings for X1 to behave right.
I was frustrated and shut my pc down yesterday. Now i thought about it - maybe my settings have been resetted when installing expanded? is this possible?