Clip envelopes (again)

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2011/11/08 14:11:15 (permalink)

Clip envelopes (again)

The MIDI CC envelopes on clips don't have an effect on the actual MIDI data, but if I draw the events in the piano roll, those work.

So, with a clip, I select MIDI from the drop down box, assign it to a CC (7, 11, whatever) on the same channel and draw away.  There is no change in sound afterwards, so the envelope does not appear to be working.

When I go to Piano Roll for the same channel and edit the CC data in the lane, it works great.

I don't mind using PR, but the clip envelopes give me more options besides just a straight line up and down.

What am I missing?

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    Re:Clip envelopes (again) 2011/11/08 22:56:40 (permalink)
    Many of your questions go pretty deep into the guts of MIDI, and since LE is sort of a beginners version of SONAR, you may not get many answers here. This is not a very active forum.
    But MIDI being MIDI everywhere, you might post your queries upstairs in the X1 forum. Lots of folks there and many who know the ins and outs of MIDI. Be prepared for some RTFM replies, but there are some pretty helpful people there, too.

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