Re:New Electro style song -"Parsec"
2011/11/25 14:33:29
A lot of electronica takes too many measures to develop ,imho. I get bored. I was told that I wouldn't be bored if I was on a dance floor. True, I understand. This piece moves along nicely with "thingys" coming and going in a really nice way. Kept me interested through the whole tune. Great job!
I like a lot of prog-rock so if I write a song in this style, I don't want to get bored either (haha)
Sonar X3 Producer, Toxic Biohazard IV, Rayblaster, Minimonsta, OP-X Pro II, kHS ONE, Melodyne Editor, Saurus, ElectraX, LuSH-101, Gladiator 2, Rapture, Dimension Pro, Wusikstation 7, Nemesis, impOSCar2, Sampletank2xl, SonikSynth2, Battery 3, M-Audio Oxygene 25 and Audiophile 2496