backup software
Respectfully seeking some advice about current hard disc cloning and data backup from the experts out there. I’ve used Acronis for several years and got their email for a fire sale upgrade to the 2012 version, twenty bucks. Dived in without reading the fine print. What used to be a simple serial number is now an activation call response scheme for one computer. The merry Christmas message was now we got you nailed to one computer only. Get more single computer licenses for a no brainer deal. The more dollars you spend, the more you save.
Trying to uninstall the damnable thing and revert to the previous version crashed everything. Took out system restore. Reboot from their clone from an external hard drive from a previous version failed miserably. Blue screen. Does not function as advertised when I actually needed it. Bad time to find out that it sucks. Was able to use their boot disc to get the clone working however. This much worked as advertised.
Subject of debate for sure, but I’ve had companies go out and been denied software transfers keeping hostage with activation schemes. Have been treated like a criminal trying to convince some company that my hard drive really crashed. Once had a week long “research” investigation before allowing one reactivation only of a program, complete with a long email lecturing about the evils of my involvement in software piracy.
Allah thanks to Cakewalk, thanks to Reaper. Nag screen or rational protection that doesn’t crucify the basically honest end user.
I’m aware that there are many cloning devices out there. Down side is that some are not able to copy critical files from the Windows and the Documents folders that are necessary for the OS to operate. A fleeting message if at all warns that the files are “in use” and can’t be copied. Probably an anti piracy inclusion (Win XP).
What you get in a crippled clone is a saving of your photos and word documents, but if you have a hard drive meltdown, the clone is impotent to get you up and running again. Files are missing critical to the OS boot (intentional?).
I’ve used Eausus partition manager for years. Downloaded their clone program Todo Backup. Cloning a disc now.
Any opinions on this program or recommendations for a current program (paid or freeware) that will clone an entire image, not just the photo folder.
Not a happy camper with the new and improved Acronis. Beware or be aware before buying it.
Merry Christmas, peace to all.
post edited by JohnKenn - 2011/12/24 21:00:56