Where are The Straight Beats?
I've been frustrated thus far with the available drum loops, where I am looking for simple, rock and country based 4/4 beats. Instead I have zillions of drum tracks at various speeds, funk, shuffles, 6/8 big rock beats, and grooves, triplet beats, etc., that while a tribute to the skill of the drummer, are the type of beat that if I were standing in front of the drummer as we played, I would turn and say "that fancy stuff is fine for a couple of measures, but let's stick to the beat." They are kind of anathema to a straight up rock sound. I've bought all kinds of stuff, things from Cakewalk, Monkey beats, etc. I can't even imagine the uses for these beats, and are utterly out of place on Stones and Springsteen type compositions that I find myself writing. I find one loop out of 100 to be usable in what I am trying to do, and even those aren't quite simple enough, or have enough interesting fills to break up the 4/4 monotony (which I like)
Where are the 4/4 straight rock beats? The kind you can set your watch to. Even boring, but steady. You know. Any ideas? And as for "writing my own"," I'd rather not try to figure it out, but I may be forced to.