Re:Movie Night
2012/02/10 10:23:31
Good morning and thanks all for the kind reviews. Hearing that the production sounds good is "music to my ears". This, I feel, has always been my weakest skill set.
The piece in constructed solely using Komplete 8 Ultimate.
The undercurrent is driven by Session Strings Pro using the Animator. I layered two different sections to give it the bottom it needed. Pulled some of the boom out using a notch filter.
The majority of instruments come from the Orchestral Section. Here I doubled up some instruments for thickness and took advantage of the Key switches for staccatto, pizzacato, etc. on the strings.
The vast majority of the playing is real time and tweaked using PRV (timing, durations, attack, velocity, etc.).
Some of the 16th note arpeggiated runs were done with step record. Just easier to get the time correct right out of the box.
All tracks have volume envelopes which were applied after velocity levels were fixed. This is also how I fade the song for the ending.
I use Fabfilter for the EQ and Compression. I can't say enough about Fabfilter. Great product and intuitive.
All parts played on my favorite midi controller, the Roland A-80. Dinosaur yes, but haven't played anything better.
Keeping it simple Sonar X3d 64 bit , Exclusively using software synths & FX, D-Pro, Rapture, zt3a+2
Komplete 9 Ultimate, GPO3, Garritan Jazz & Big Band, EastWest, Chris Hein Horns, Presonus FireStudio Project Audio Interface, Roland A80 Midi Controller, Tannoy 501A Monitors
Win 7 Pro 64, I7-2600, 8GB DDR3, w/Firewire