Re:Audio recording problems with Music Creator 5
2012/02/08 02:39:25
Sorry if we got you irritated, but if nobody has the guts to tell you how to make your message heard and understood, you/we will never get anywhere. No-one's saying you're stupid.
You, see...we still don't know your soundcard, what driver mode you're using, what are your computer specs etc. We need to know those things in order to be able to give advice. That's the essential info when dealing with crackles and pops, particularily.
We're not mind readers! We can only answer based on what you tell us. "My software has a sound module!" That quite simply leaves a lot of room for interpretation, and includes no hints towards MC5 or softsynths. I won't say I know what you mean when I don't. Such are the seas of communication, and we all become better sailors every day.
If you are using the integrated soundchip, you must use MME drivers. They are the worst, and one shouldn't expect fluent workflow and good results with the integrated chips. ASIO4ALL drivers might work, too, it's a free download. Are you familiar with using soft synths in general?
SONAR PE 8.5.3, Asus P5B, 2,4 Ghz Dual Core, 4 Gb RAM, GF 7300, EMU 1820, Bluetube Pre - Kontakt4, Ozone, Addictive Drums, PSP Mixpack2, Melda Creative Pack, Melodyne Plugin etc.
The benefit of being a middle aged amateur is the low number of years of frustration ahead of you.