ok, I'm going to have to make some assumptions here because you're still not giving us a lot of info. that's OK, it's probably because you don't understand and don't know yet what you're doing.
"drums that you can use in the track view" still doesn't really tell us anything except that we can determine now that you're talking about MIDI/softsynth drums and not real drums. we can also determine that you're not using a controller (like a drum machine, e-drums, or a keyboard) to control the softsynth drum sounds.
what we don't know still is:
which drum softsynth you're using.
what you're using for monitoring through the UX1 since you said you can hear them when you unplug it but you hear them from the laptop speakers
we also don't know which version of MC you're using which could help us with assumptions of which drum softsynth you're using if we knew that much.
I'll start by making the assumption that you're using MC6. MC6 has a default template with SI Drums already loaded and a MIDI track for the SI drums so you could load up a new template project and go directly to the MIDI drum track in the track view and try to start entering notes.
you did say in the title, it's MC5. ok - MC5's template came loaded with either SI drums or Session Drummer, I've forgotten which. the following still likely applies, but you might have to give us more info. if that's what you're doing, and you can't hear anything thru the UX1, but can hear them if you disconnect the UX1 and are hearing them thru the laptop speakers, then you have a problem with your output routing.
if that's the case, I would recommend that you change to ASIO driver mode so that your routing will all go automatically thru the UX1 instead of giving you the option to go to either the UX1 or the laptop speakers and then you won't have to force the output to the UX1 instead of the laptop onboard soundcard.
to change to ASIO driver mode,
hit "P" on the keyboard, that will bring up the preferences. go to OPTIONS>AUDIO then change where it says "DRIVER MODE" - pull down the menu to change to ASIO and click APPLY.
now all of your inputs and outputs should go only to the UX1 and not the onboard soundcard. make sure you're monitoring (listening) only from the UX1 and don't try to use the onboard soundcard at all for MC.
if I've made any errors in my assumptions, you'll need to give us more correct information for us to be able to continue troubleshooting.
post edited by Beagle - 2012/04/09 10:12:53