Re:V-control for iPad
2012/05/27 13:43:49
Mooch - you are not alone.
This has been driving me crazy for the past 2 months, ever since I bought it. My iPad can't even see the PC
My Mackie Controller is set up (as is everything else, including Firewall, router etc) as per the Neyrinck site and even after leaving it for over 30 minutes, it never connected.
AC7 working perfectly here also.
Good luck, at least you're halfway there......
Built by yours truely : I7-2600@3.4GHz, Asus P67Z68, W10x64 Creator Edition, 32GB RAM, 3 HD's, nVidia 760 GT, Focusrite 18i20 2,d Gen + Ti FW, Oxygen 61 iv Gen, and Edirol SD-20 (yes it works), CbB, Teles, Strats, LP's, Epi Riviera, etc