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2012/06/12 04:40:06 (permalink)


Hi everyone.  I haven't been on in a while.  I upgraded from MC5 to X1 and some other upgrades.  So, I deleted all my music from RN and spent a lot of time re-recording and re-mixing my music.  I finally have one song finished.  

So, I want everyone to please check it out, but please gimme any feed back you might have on the following:

I have had massive amounts of problems with my guitar trax.  I have changed guitar sounds, from scratch, umpteen times. Whenever I upload to RN or anywhere else, I seem to get a garbled guitar sound. Like slightly underwater or like a "cheesy" chorus or something.  I have tried ALL bit-rates, checked for phase problems, and I just can't figure out why.

I'm recording at 24-bit and 44.1.  I bounce everything down to 1 track in stereo from main outputs. Then a little Eq, Multi-band, and Limiter. That's it.  Then I export to MP3 from main outputs again at 16-bit and 44.1 and use dither.  Sounds great in Sonar and on my PC after I export.  I don't know if it is a problem that is already there, but I can't hear it until I upload it to a site or what?  Anyway I've read all the FAQ and recommended Bit-rates from the sites I UL to.  And nothing seems to help.  

Thanks People, 


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    Re:Remixed 2012/06/12 10:28:02 (permalink)
    I'm not quite sure what your problem with the guitar is because it sounds like heavy metal to me.  I noticed that the overall volume of the track is somewhat low compared to similar songs on this forum.  I'm taking a wild guess here because I don't know how you mastered this, but I think you have some headroom left to go up in volume with a good limiter without losing a thing from your mix.  Did you apply a compressor or limiter to the guitar track during mixing?  That can really beef up a good guitar tone in a jiffy.  You're really not too far off with this.  I'm not going to respond to the song because I sense you really are looking for some technical advice.  There are others here who specialize in this style of music, so be on the lookout for their advice.

    All the best,

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    Re:Remixed 2012/06/12 11:41:47 (permalink)
      Thanks Lynn.  No, I didn't use any limiter of compression in the mix, on the guitar. Ill try that, to beef up the guitar some.  
      And yes, I just did a quick basic master, and I backed off on the limiter a this last time because I thought that might be adding to my problem.  
      One thing I haven't done was listen to the song at RN from another PC.  If you don't hear that gargle sound when a chord is ringing out, maybe its something with the codecs on MY PC or something?  
    Anyway thank you very much for your time, and the good advice.


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    Re:Remixed 2012/06/12 12:56:26 (permalink)
    Guitars sound good to me, chugging nicely. Overall it sounds quite 'narrow' to me and could be spread out a little across the stereo image.


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    Re:Remixed 2012/06/12 18:43:51 (permalink)
    It sounds like EQ issues to me. The high end is brittle while the mids are muddy. Part of the problem is most sites will convert the uploaded file to either flash or reconvert the mp3, which will give you significant transcoding errors. If you can, upload a 16/44khz .wav.

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    Re:Remixed 2012/06/12 20:40:08 (permalink)
    Ok not my cup of tea but I can appriecate your guitar skill.

    Some of the guitar at the start of the track feels slighty out of tune, I don't know it just didn't sound right.

    The mix is muddy and the snare is really thin.

    On saying that work on the track and I can certainly see some people who really like metal getting off on this.

    Peace Ben

    Benjamin Phillips-Bachelor of Creative Technology (Sound and Audio Production), (Hons) Sonic Arts, MMusTech (Master of Music Technology), M.Phil (Fine Art)
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    Re:Remixed 2012/06/12 22:25:57 (permalink)
    Jamesg1213 -  Thanks man.  Yea I wanted to eliminate any kind of stereo effects possibly being the culprit until I got my problem resolved.

    Foxwolfen - Yea, EQ, I think that has been my main problem from the get go.  I'm running my guitar Direct through a Scarlett interface.  And VST's just don't get the sound I'm looking for.  They are very, very close, but no cigar.  

    Ben - Thanks a lot man. You know, tuning issues had never occurred to me. While they may very well be out on this take.  I've been chasing this problem for almost a year now, and I don't think i'm out of tune every time I record.  So basically, yea I'm leaning toward the muddy mix.  And thats basically what Foxwolfen is saying too.   And, yep, I agree with you on the snare too.  Thanks for the great feedback.

    So, I'm trying to get this heavy, crunchy sound running Direct and I'm always getting this problem.  I've watched videos galore, read everything I can find on getting a heavy sound with just VST's.  I've tried almost every amp sim you can find.  I've used different Impulse Responses, EQ Captures.  And while it sounds great while I'm playing, it apparently isn't translating well when I record and mix it.  And I don't really hear the problem until I export my music.

    So, I have put all my writing on hold until I get this sorted.  While I thank everyone, and I think you have put me on the right track.  Having recorded everything over and over , and changing guitar sounds over,  and then to still have the same problem  is really wearing me down and is very overwhelming.  Especially when I don't hear other people having this problem.

    Whew.....well, thanks to everyone again.  This forum IS the greatest.


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