Re:Nectar vs Melodyne vs Autotune
2012/06/18 23:06:07
I was going to buy Nectar, and then demoed it, realizing I could already do almost everything it did [if I got to tweaking things in a similar fashion] , and much more, with what I already have.
For pitch correction, Melodyne is the reigning champ of audio tools.
Windows 7 64 bit, Sony Vaio Laptop Q740, 8 GB, Sonar Producer X1d, Focusrite Scarlett 18i, Korg Pa500, M-audio 61 Radium Keystation. Using Omnisphere, Trilian, Komplete 8, Morphestra, Orchestral Essentials, Evolve, Orange Tree Guitars, Addictive Drums, BFD2, Melodyne Editor, Studio One 2, Ozone 5, FabFilter.