A couple questions about MC6
I picked up MC6, and am happy with it so far. I was using Magix Music Maker (4, and 14 producers edition) for a very long time, and switching over to Cakewalk is difficult.
Now, how exactly can I change the pitch and/or tempo of a loop or piece of music? In Magix there was an auto vst that would come up and allow it, but I'm not seeing it anywhere on MC6. Also, in the piano roll "view" I can only place notes on the first beat. I know a ghetto way around this would be to speed the bpm 4x what the default is so I can at least get every 1/4 beat. But that would make the instruments die out super fast. There has got to be a proper way how to fix this.
I really appreciate any help that I get. I can't say that enough. And when I learn MC6 like I know Magix I'll be glad to throw down some knowledge to new users.