SOLVED 8.5PE: Busses and instrument track outputs reassigned

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July 21, 12 1:54 AM (permalink)

SOLVED 8.5PE: Busses and instrument track outputs reassigned

Hi all, I have an extremely annoying problem that is driving me crazy. I'm currently in the process of transferring all my projects from a desktop computer (AMD 965 BE) to a laptop (Dell Precision i7 M4600). All installations of Sonar and the plugins went smooth but I'm having big problems with the projects. After moving the project folders to the new computer, they open fine but I'm experiencing weird problems with Instrument Tracks outputs and output busses being reassigned. I'd rather not reassign everything in the projects because I believe I'll get problems when it's time to transfer them back to the desktop rig. It seems to me that this is a bug, maybe involving the way that Sonar is indexing the buses and tracks. My desktop is running WDM though the laptop is ASIO4ALL. I'm running 32bit versions of CWPE 8.5 32bit on W764 on both. Any ideas what to do? Edit: I've spent the day trying various tweaks but nothing seems to help. The main problem seem to be that ALL synth output tracks get wrong audio inputs after opening up the project on the laptop. I corrected some of the tracks on the laptop and sent it back to the desktop rig but the corrected ones ended up being wrong on the desktop. The tracks left alone played fine on the desktop.
post edited by hybrid3 - July 21, 12 11:44 PM

[..Crash Analysis Engineer from Gothenburg / Sweden
[..& hobby musician (Industrial / EBM)
[Uses: Sonar Producer 8.5PE, VAZ Modular 3, ABSynth5, DR-008, Battery3, EWQL Gol, GR4

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    Re:8.5PE: Busses and instrument track outputs reassigned July 21, 12 8:39 AM (permalink)
    Oh dear, The solution was far more simple than I could imagine. It turned out that I used different configurations on the DR-008 installations on the machines, 16 output channels on the laptop and 8 on the desktop. So, with that corrected, everything is working fine. Not only that, the laptop is showing about 70% less CPU usage during the projects compared to my desktop which was a little bit of a surprise.

    [..Crash Analysis Engineer from Gothenburg / Sweden
    [..& hobby musician (Industrial / EBM)
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    Re:8.5PE: Busses and instrument track outputs reassigned July 21, 12 11:31 PM (permalink)

    I am not sure if this is relevant but it may be of interest.  I once had a similar problem with wrong softsynth assignments, which is probably best illustrated by the following image, showing a comparison between the Output drop-down menus in the problem Midi track:

    These two menus both belong to the same track in the same project, but in two different installations of Sonar 7PE.  Apparently the extra item at the top the the list on the left menu was offsetting the sequential numbering and causing one of the outputs to by assigned to the wrong softsynth.  Removing EDIROL PCR from the output list in the Midi Devices settings solved the problem.

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    Re:8.5PE: Busses and instrument track outputs reassigned July 21, 12 11:47 PM (permalink)
    Thanks Kev999, I believe my problem was something similar. I will keep this in mind as well.

    [..Crash Analysis Engineer from Gothenburg / Sweden
    [..& hobby musician (Industrial / EBM)
    [Uses: Sonar Producer 8.5PE, VAZ Modular 3, ABSynth5, DR-008, Battery3, EWQL Gol, GR4
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