Effect Tails at the beginning of my mix!

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July 22, 12 11:04 AM (permalink)

Effect Tails at the beginning of my mix!

Having a serious issue with effect tails from the end of the last play/export showing up when I export a song at the beginning of my mix. I've tried starting/stopping the audio engine, resetting the audio engine, and I have "Play effect tails after stopping" checked. Right now the only solution I seem to have is to completely quit Sonar, then re-open and reload the project, and exporting without touching anything else. Not ideal...

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    Re:Effect Tails at the beginning of my mix! July 22, 12 12:44 AM (permalink)

    Having a serious issue with effect tails from the end of the last play/export showing up when I export a song at the beginning of my mix. I've tried starting/stopping the audio engine, resetting the audio engine, and I have "Play effect tails after stopping" checked. Right now the only solution I seem to have is to completely quit Sonar, then re-open and reload the project, and exporting without touching anything else. Not ideal...

    Hello Brian.
    I'm amazed how similar some of our stuff is - right down to the Squire strat and XTLive!
    Anyway, maybe your M-Audio (another similarity) device is involved. Try powering it down or unplugging it from its power source, or try killing it in the processes section of Task Manager.
    If that is the culprit, make sure you have latest and greatest drivers.
    Brian (another similarity!)

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    Re:Effect Tails at the beginning of my mix! July 22, 12 12:55 AM (permalink)
    Have you tried putting 1 bar of empty space before the downbeat...  include that when you export.. that should clear the buffer unless your tail is longer than 1 bar.  You can always trim the exported WAV file.


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    Re:Effect Tails at the beginning of my mix! July 22, 12 1:23 PM (permalink)
    I run into that... it normally ONLY occurs in playback and if I export a mix the exported mix is clean at the start.

    But while it can be a bit irritating.... I found that by doing a few things, it is solved. 

    The tails usually occur on reverb on instruments or vocals. So for example if I have the start point at the first measure..... I usually allow 2 measures of count in and the song starts on M3B1.... 

    So when I listen to the mix, and it's into the vocals and I hit stop, it automatically resets to the start point, where ever that may be, and when I restart, I get the tails finishing up. 

    I find that if I simply click the start/stop (space bar) twice.... it starts, stops and now, the tails are gone. So I can do a start without hearing the tails. 

    I'm usually working on envelopes and that's where the tails show up due to the constant starting and stopping in the mix. 

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    Re:Effect Tails at the beginning of my mix! July 22, 12 1:37 PM (permalink)
    I have the same issue... don't know how to get rid of this?  Perhaps this is a SONAR bug?  Not clearing a buffer or two?


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    Re:Effect Tails at the beginning of my mix! July 22, 12 1:58 PM (permalink)
    I don't know if this will help but it's worth a try.
    For the reverb effects open the VST Plug-in Properties and click 'Always suspend on stop'.
    That may reset the reverb or effect.

    - Jim Hurley -
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    Re:Effect Tails at the beginning of my mix! July 22, 12 2:44 PM (permalink)
    This is a bug. It won't affect you if you go to Preferences, Playback and Recording, then check 'play effect tails after stopping'... Or Before you bounce play a completely silent part (after the song) long enough to 'flush the buffer' before bounce. Freaked me out the first time it happened.
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