Helpful ReplyNewb building PC -- please review & help!

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August 13, 12 12:15 AM (permalink)

Newb building PC -- please review & help!

Alright, so I need some feedback from the experts here.
Situation: I had a buddy of mine put together a shopping list for what he thought I would need to build a screamin' system for my home studio. He recently built his own PC, but the only problem is that he's a gamer, so I feel I need to run these specs by everyone here to see what I should change. ALSO, another buddy of mine had some HUGE issues when he had his custom PC built professionally -- when he installed Sonar 8, he kept getting the BSOD. After weeks of arguing w/ the "pros" that built it, they finally realized it was a compatibility issue with the Motherboard. So, please look this list over and let me know what you think.
Studio Use: Home studio, tracking, sampling, small setup, maybe have individual artists come in lay something down, but mainly will use for my own artistic purposes (as well as Video Editing using Sony Vegas)
Software: Cakewalk Sonar 8 (will upgrade soon), and Sony Vegas Pro.
Exhaustive List (b/c I really don't know what NOT to include):
- (1) Case:  NZXT Phantom PHAN-001BK Black Steel / Plastic Enthusiast ATX Full Tower Computer Case
- (1) CPU  Intel Core i7-3770K 3.5GHz (3.9GHz Turbo) LGA 1155 Quad-Core
- (1) MoBo:  GIGABYTE GA-Z77X-UD5H-WB ATX Intel Motherboard 
- (1) Memory:  G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) Desktop Memory
- (2) HD:  WD Caviar Black 1TB 7200RPM 6GB/s 64MB cache
- (1) Fans:  **NZXT Air Flow Series RF-FZ140-02 Case Fan
- (2) More Fans:  **NZXT FS-200RB Case Fan
- (1) SSD:  Intel 330 Series Maple Crest SSDSC2CT120A3K5 2.5" MLC Internal Solid State Drive (SSD)
- (1) PS:  CORSAIR HX Series HX750 (CMPSU-750HX) 750W Power Supply
- (1) Burner:  ASUS 24X DVD Burner - Bulk Black SATA Model DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS
- (1) OS:  Win 7 Pro or Ultimate (both 64-bit) -- can't decide which??
- (1) Video Card:  SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 6950 11188-22-20G Video Card (OC Edition)
**not sure why my friend included 3 case fans in the list???
ANY HELP would be much appreciated! I know y'all get requests like these ALL the time, but please take some time to give me some feedback. Thanks!!
post edited by musmin2415 - August 15, 12 11:55 PM
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Re:Newb building PC -- please review & help! August 13, 12 2:16 PM (permalink)
Hey musmin2415,

Using Firefox eh! Pretty hard to read but here goes and as always IMHO,

OS = Windows 7 Home Premium will limit you to only 16GBs of RAM. You're not future-proofing your system especially if you're into video editing.
--> Recommend that you use Windows 7 Professional at least.

Green drives = Very very bad..., usually only used for backup purposes and ideally as an external drive on a USB 3 port.
--> Recommend that you reevaluate your storage needs and consider SSDs if your budget permits this. If not, then 1 or more WD Caviar Black @ 7200rpm & 64MB cache would do.

AMD Cpu = Not the best chip for audio. Granted, they are cheaper but you get what you pay for.
--> Recommend that you seriously consider Intel instead.

These are the items that jumped at me at first glance. Good luck with your build!
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Re:Newb building PC -- please review & help! August 13, 12 5:14 PM (permalink)

not sure why my friend included 3 case fans in the list??? 
With two front-of-case fans instead of one, you can run them at a slower speed, resulting in less noise.

Audient:iD22+ASP800|KRK:VXT6|+various-outboard-gear|+guitars&basses, etc.
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Re:Newb building PC -- please review & help! August 13, 12 5:36 PM (permalink)

Hey musmin2415,

Using Firefox eh! Pretty hard to read but here goes and as always IMHO,

OS = Windows 7 Home Premium will limit you to only 16GBs of RAM. You're not future-proofing your system especially if you're into video editing.
--> Recommend that you use Windows 7 Professional at least.

Green drives = Very very bad..., usually only used for backup purposes and ideally as an external drive on a USB 3 port.
--> Recommend that you reevaluate your storage needs and consider SSDs if your budget permits this. If not, then 1 or more WD Caviar Black @ 7200rpm & 64MB cache would do.

AMD Cpu = Not the best chip for audio. Granted, they are cheaper but you get what you pay for.
--> Recommend that you seriously consider Intel instead.

These are the items that jumped at me at first glance. Good luck with your build!

Thanks so much for your feedback!  I made some adjustments to my list in my original post.  This is what I've gathered from some other reading I've been doing today:
1.)  Firefox sucks for posting in this forum  :-)
2.)  Going with Win 7 Pro or Ultimate (both 64-bit) -- can't decide which??
3.)  Will do with (2) WD Caviar Black 1TB 7200RPM 6GB/s 64MB cache
4.)  What do you think of the Intel 330 Series Maple Crest 5" MLC Internal SSD??  (Someone suggested the 256MB)
5.)  Changing to the Intel Core i7-3770K 3.5GHz (3.9GHz Turbo) LGA 1155 Quad-Core
6.)  Now I'm lost about what MoBo to go with??
What do you (or anyone else) think?
Thanks for your time!
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Re:Newb building PC -- please review & help! August 14, 12 1:15 PM (permalink)
If we're going to get into specifics, I (we) need a bit more info such as:

1] What's your budget (an approximation will do)?
2] Is this budget flexible?
3] How silent do you want this machine to be?
4] What sample libraries are you using, if any... (eg. EWQL Hollywood series, Ominisphere, Trillian)?
5] Would you consider yourself a tweaker/geek or more of an artist that can't be bothered with such things?

Your revisions are a step in the right direction, but I believe it can be improved substantially once I (we) know more about the above.  

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Re:Newb building PC -- please review & help! August 14, 12 3:16 PM (permalink)

If we're going to get into specifics, I (we) need a bit more info such as:

1] What's your budget (an approximation will do)?
2] Is this budget flexible?
3] How silent do you want this machine to be?
4] What sample libraries are you using, if any... (eg. EWQL Hollywood series, Ominisphere, Trillian)?
5] Would you consider yourself a tweaker/geek or more of an artist that can't be bothered with such things?

Your revisions are a step in the right direction, but I believe it can be improved substantially once I (we) know more about the above.  
Thanks so much, Alegria.  And very sorry that I've been skimping on the details.  I know everyone's busy that answers these forums, so I was trying to keep things short.  But I will gladly answer the questions if it'll help y'all out!.....
1.) Anywhere from $1000 - $1500
2.) Yes, somewhat.  If it's absolutely crucial that I go over the $1500 to get what I want, then yeah.  But I hope to stay under that.
3.) That's a tough question.  I don't mind some noise, but I will be recording some in the same room.  I don't think I can afford complete silence (if that makes sense), especially if I look to get a decent video card for rendering HD video.  (FYI though, Audio work comes first to me, Video editing second.)  Like right now I'm just running an off-the-shelf PC that I fixed up to handle my needs, and it's alright.  Sorry if that doesn't clarify much.  If I had some comparisons, then maybe I could give a better answer :-)
4.) Not sure of that either.  Right now I'm using any library that came with Cubase (Halion??) and Sonar.  Again, sorry.  I'm feelin' like a bit of an idiot here - lol
5.) I'm more of an artist, but I think it'd be KILLER to learn more about tweaking a rig to get it to its optimal performance -- especially if it'll save me $$$.
Does that help?  Thanks for taking the time to answer & your willingness to help!  I'm going to be changing the original list that I started with as I learn what's going to be best. 
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Re:Newb building PC -- please review & help! August 15, 12 11:59 PM (permalink)
Ok.  I'm REALLY hoping that all the help hasn't gone away!  I've updated my orginal post (see very top) with the new hardware I'm looking at.  Man, it's getting expensive.  Not really decided on a case (or fans), video card, or SSD yet.  Also, is my power supply listed overkill?  Or is anything that I've listed overkill????  I'm beggin' for some feedback here! Please? 
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Re:Newb building PC -- please review & help! August 16, 12 12:37 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpful
It's looking much better now. You've been doing your homework. I've also noticed that you have an ongoing thread over at Gearslutz. Have you gone as far as you can go, or will the list be revised again?

Also, is my power supply listed overkill?

The only variable here that may override your current choice (which is sufficient @ 750w. IMHO), is the graphic/video card(s). I haven't forgotten about your video editing needs even though your priority is audio. You just have to make sure that you review the video card(s) power requirements.

Man, it's getting expensive.

It's a bottomless rabbit hole. 

Note: Your ram @ 2 x 8GBs is a smart choice, giving you the flexibility to add another 2 x 8GBs down the line. Is it rated for 1.65v or 1.5v?
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Re:Newb building PC -- please review & help! August 16, 12 11:13 PM (permalink)
It's looking much better now. You've been doing your homework. I've also noticed that you have an ongoing thread over at Gearslutz. Have you gone as far as you can go, or will the list be revised again?
THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH for gettin back with me.  Yeah, I'm a huge fan of Gearslutz.  Love it.  One reason I came over here is because I knew I was going to be using Sonar as my audio software, and I figured I couldn't go to a better place than the source to make sure everything was going to be compatible.  Another reason, to be COMPLETELY honest, is that I've posted on other forums, and it seems that i might get one reply to an initial post, but then as soon as I come back with some follow-up questions, it becomes a ghost town and I can't seem to get anyone to respond.  I know I'm new at this, and there are certain rules of etiquette (plus, this is all free advice people are offering), but I'm really excited about this so I wanted to do whatever I could to get the answers.
Yes, although I'm nearing the end, I will probably revise the list again.  I'm having trouble understanding & deciding on a case & cooling system.  It's one of those things where I wish someone could say, "Here, I feel ya, and this will fit your needs (without spending another $300)."
The only variable here that may override your current choice (which is sufficient @ 750w. IMHO), is the graphic/video card(s). I haven't forgotten about your video editing needs even though your priority is audio. You just have to make sure that you review the video card(s) power requirements.

Still trying to decide on a video card that won't break the budget, as well as the power supply.  Any suggestions would be welcome :-)
Note: Your ram @ 2 x 8GBs is a smart choice, giving you the flexibility to add another 2 x 8GBs down the line. Is it rated for 1.65v or 1.5v?
1.5v I believe. That's fine right?
One more thing someone just mentioned.  Should I not go with the wireless/bluetooth version of the MoBo?  Have they been known to cause clicks/pops in recording?  If that's the case, should I not go with a wireless keyboard & mouse (wireless would be IDEAL in my setup)? 

post edited by musmin2415 - August 17, 12 12:07 AM
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Re:Newb building PC -- please review & help! August 17, 12 12:34 AM (permalink)
I'm having trouble understanding & deciding on a case & cooling system.

I tried to use the search feature as I've seen some very good suggestions in this forum..., without any results (temperamental feature it seems). I would start a new thread on this specific subject and am sure you'll get some feedback.

Still trying to decide on a video card that won't break the budget, as well as the power supply. Any suggestions would be welcome

I'm using onboard graphics (audio only DAW) and don't feel comfortable in suggesting anything at this point. But once you're set on this, your PSU needs will be much clearer.

I will probably revise the list again

Cool. I'm looking forward to it. 

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Re:Newb building PC -- please review & help! August 22, 12 11:01 AM (permalink)


Your list of components for your new 'home built' computer looks fine; as someone who has been building home builts since the 1990's I know that it is an ongoing affair (you are never quite satisfied with what you end up with, but that's OK!) you always want to build it better, but when the money is there.

So with that being said, if money is a deciding factor then build it as good as you can get it now, knowing that in the future that there will be newer and faster and cheaper ways to upgrade your; now newly built computer.

Just my 2 cents.
post edited by Del - August 22, 12 11:02 AM

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Re:Newb building PC -- please review & help! August 22, 12 8:17 PM (permalink)

Alright, so I need some feedback from the experts here.
Situation: I had a buddy of mine put together a shopping list for what he thought I would need to build a screamin' system for my home studio. He recently built his own PC, but the only problem is that he's a gamer, so I feel I need to run these specs by everyone here to see what I should change. ALSO, another buddy of mine had some HUGE issues when he had his custom PC built professionally -- when he installed Sonar 8, he kept getting the BSOD. After weeks of arguing w/ the "pros" that built it, they finally realized it was a compatibility issue with the Motherboard. So, please look this list over and let me know what you think.
Studio Use: Home studio, tracking, sampling, small setup, maybe have individual artists come in lay something down, but mainly will use for my own artistic purposes (as well as Video Editing using Sony Vegas)
Software: Cakewalk Sonar 8 (will upgrade soon), and Sony Vegas Pro.
Exhaustive List (b/c I really don't know what NOT to include):
- (1) Case:  NZXT Phantom PHAN-001BK Black Steel / Plastic Enthusiast ATX Full Tower Computer Case
- (1) CPU  Intel Core i7-3770K 3.5GHz (3.9GHz Turbo) LGA 1155 Quad-Core
- (1) MoBo:  GIGABYTE GA-Z77X-UD5H-WB ATX Intel Motherboard 
- (1) Memory:  G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) Desktop Memory
- (2) HD:  WD Caviar Black 1TB 7200RPM 6GB/s 64MB cache
- (1) Fans:  **NZXT Air Flow Series RF-FZ140-02 Case Fan
- (2) More Fans:  **NZXT FS-200RB Case Fan
- (1) SSD:  Intel 330 Series Maple Crest SSDSC2CT120A3K5 2.5" MLC Internal Solid State Drive (SSD)
- (1) PS:  CORSAIR HX Series HX750 (CMPSU-750HX) 750W Power Supply
- (1) Burner:  ASUS 24X DVD Burner - Bulk Black SATA Model DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS
- (1) OS:  Win 7 Pro or Ultimate (both 64-bit) -- can't decide which??
- (1) Video Card:  SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 6950 11188-22-20G Video Card (OC Edition)
**not sure why my friend included 3 case fans in the list???
ANY HELP would be much appreciated! I know y'all get requests like these ALL the time, but please take some time to give me some feedback. Thanks!!

Case: Take a look at Lian Li Cases (Newegg)
HD: Seagate Barracuda ST1000DM003 1TB 7200 RPM 64MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive
SSD: Intel 520 Series instead of 330
OS: Win 7 Pro 64-bit
Video Card: NVIDIA not AMD
Good luck!
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Re:Newb building PC -- please review & help! August 23, 12 11:47 AM (permalink)

Just my 2 cents.
Hey, a comment like that is worth more than 2 cents!  I really appreciate it.  I always welcome advice!!

Case: Take a look at Lian Li Cases (Newegg)
Will do! Thanks!
SSD: Intel 520 Series instead of 330
Any particular reason why?  Just curious.
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Re:Newb building PC -- please review & help! August 23, 12 1:27 PM (permalink)
Newegg and their technicians are very helpful if you call them and talk to their agents. 

My last upgrade (earlier this year) was mostly via Newegg. They can help you match the parts that you want and need. Also make suggestions that might work better for you.

Of course there are others on the 'net'.

Good Luck!  

(P.S. it is both exciting and a pain in the back side (rebuilding your own computer); but in the long run its worth it!)

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Re:Newb building PC -- please review & help! August 23, 12 1:51 PM (permalink)
The 520 Series is faster and has a longer warranty.
Jim Roseberry
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Re:Newb building PC -- please review & help! August 23, 12 1:56 PM (permalink)
- (1) Video Card:  SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 6950 11188-22-20G Video Card (OC Edition)

This choice makes no sense in a DAW.  
It's huge... puts off lots of heat... and doesn't afford you any greater DAW capability than a passive cooled HD5450.

If you were editing video with Vegas Pro 11 (or Premier with the Mercury Engine) and wanted hardware assisted video acceleration/rendering, you'd want a fast Nvidia GTX card (so it doesn't even make sense in a Audio/Video context).

Best Regards,

Jim Roseberry
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Re:Newb building PC -- please review & help! August 23, 12 2:49 PM (permalink)

#1. Listen to what Jim Roseberry has to say..... +1, +1, +1
#2 Alegira has some great thoughts as well....
#3. Stay with that Phantom case.........Stay with that Phantom Case.........I did my own build last year, and I used that very same case.....At that point it was my 2nd choice

But now a year later.....SO Happy with it......I maxed out the case fans (and yes stay with the NZXT fans......Stay with them fans.....

I also bought the Fans with the Blue LED's....Pretty Lights!!!!!.....I love the runs and keeps my DAW nice and cool, Was easy to work in....has loads of HD space and everything routed nice and neat.......It has fan speed control and I am able to run the case on very low speed and it still never ever gets hot...Hardly even warm in fact...and I've run the thing on several occasions for 20 hours at a crack........

The only draw back to this case are:
1. Mounting the HD's in their cradles before you slide them into the case were a bit of a PITA ...........but so be it
2. The wiring instructions for the case fans leaves A LOT to be fact it down right sucks......but if you take a breath and sit and think about it for a bit it becomes clear and you get it done.......besides if you screw it up you can always re do this step and once done do not have to do it again.......

out side of that....  I love the case and am glad I bought it..... I would buy it again in a heart beat

NZXT Phantom Case (in Black)
Windows 7, Service Pack 1, 64 Bit OP
Sonar X3 Producer, 64 Bit 
Asus P8P67 Pro Rev.3 MoBo
16 Gig of Ram 
4.5 Gighz
Intel i-7 2600k Quad Core Sandy Bridge
Unibrain Firewire Card
Edirol FA-101 Firewire interface
Mackie Big Knob
NI Komplete 8
Machine 2
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Re:Newb building PC -- please review & help! August 23, 12 3:25 PM (permalink)
two important things are your case and fan,these are overlooked alot,
the fans i have are shock  w/mount rubber gromets to improve vibration and noise,you want a pc that makes no noise.

also try looking into a place called microcenter,i buy all my builds from there.

Windows 8.1 X64 Sonar Platinum x64
Custom built: Asrock z97 1150 - Intel I7 4790k - 16GB corsair DDR3 1600 - PNY SSD 220GB
Focusrite Saffire 18I8 - Mackie Control
Freddie H
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Re:Newb building PC -- please review & help! August 24, 12 3:28 AM (permalink)
Jim Roseberry

- (1) Video Card:  SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 6950 11188-22-20G Video Card (OC Edition)

This choice makes no sense in a DAW.  
It's huge... puts off lots of heat... and doesn't afford you any greater DAW capability than a passive cooled HD5450.

If you were editing video with Vegas Pro 11 (or Premier with the Mercury Engine) and wanted hardware assisted video acceleration/rendering, you'd want a fast Nvidia GTX card (so it doesn't even make sense in a Audio/Video context).

Perhaps he use it as gaming rig too? 

-Highly developed spirits often encounter resistance from mediocre minds. -It really matters!
Jim Roseberry
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Re:Newb building PC -- please review & help! August 24, 12 11:07 AM (permalink)
Perhaps he use it as gaming rig too? 

I hope not...   
If that were the case, he'd want a fast GTX video card.  

Best Regards,

Jim Roseberry
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Re:Newb building PC -- please review & help! August 24, 12 12:52 AM (permalink)
Alright, so I've been BURIED in research over the past week, and I'm very thankful to y'all.  Here's an update.  PLEASE take a look at the following issues and let me know what you think (I have some questions on a couple):

- Case:  It's between the Cooler Master HAF 932 (Adv Blue Series) or Corsair Carbide 500R  >  If possible, I'd rather stick with a case that already includes a quality cooling system of some kind.  Plus, I'm kind of a sucker for leds   So, is there anything wrong with getting a case that already has the cooling fans/system built in?  Opinions anybody?
- CPU/MOBO/Memory:  Intel Core i7-3770K 3.5GHz / GIGABYTE GA-Z77X-UD5H-WB ATX Intel / G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB)  >  I still plan on doing some deeper research to make sure everything's compatible - so far so good.  Anyone hear anything different?
Video Card:  It's between the EVGA 01G-P3-1460-KR GeForce GTX 560 or XFX Double D HD-687A-ZDFC Radeon HD 6870  >  I know most will say go with Nvidia, but check out the specs on the ATI & also this link I pulled from another forum before you make a final call
(Vegas Pro 11 GPU acceleration  & 
Thoughts?  (Btw, it will not be a gaming system.)
- HD & SSD:  (2) WD Caviar Black 1TB 7200RPM 6GB/s 64MB cache & Intel 520 Series Cherryville SSDSC2CW240A310 2.5" 240GB
- PS:  CORSAIR HX Series HX750 (CMPSU-750HX) 750W
- Sound card:  STUPID question, but do I need a sound card since I'll be going directly through my Presonus Firestudio Interface?  I took out my last one because it was causing BSODs daily.  Sorry for being an idiot.
I'm not sure who I was talking with earlier, but they said I should be able to get this done for less than $1500.  Which is why I'm open for any suggestions on any piece that might be overkill, or any other way I could save some $$$.
Thanks again!  I'm nearing the end and can see a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel!!
post edited by musmin2415 - August 24, 12 12:56 AM
Jim Roseberry
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Re:Newb building PC -- please review & help! August 24, 12 1:14 PM (permalink)
- Video Card: It's between the EVGA 01G-P3-1460-KR GeForce GTX 560 or XFX Double D HD-687A-ZDFC Radeon HD 6870 > I know most will say go with Nvidia, but check out the specs on the ATI & also this link I pulled from another forum before you make a final call (Vegas Pro 11 GPU acceleration & Thoughts? (Btw, it will not be a gaming system.)

If you're wanting the video card for hardware acceleration in Vegas Pro 11, you want the GTX. 
If you ever want the ability to run Premier and it's Mercury Engine, you need the GTX.

Best Regards,

Jim Roseberry
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Re:Newb building PC -- please review & help! August 24, 12 6:31 PM (permalink)

If I was planning a new PC build, I would be looking for a case that includes casters.  My current DAW PC is on the floor under a desk.  It is heavy and awkward to move against the carpet.  My non-DAW PC is similarly positioned, but its casters make it easy to pull forward whenever I need to access the rear connections.  Much more convenient.

[DAW case: Antec P183; non-DAW case: Akasa Eclipse-62]

Audient:iD22+ASP800|KRK:VXT6|+various-outboard-gear|+guitars&basses, etc.
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