Hex Core Phenom II x6 3.2 Ghz 16GB RAM 1090T

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August 29, 12 5:07 PM (permalink)

Hex Core Phenom II x6 3.2 Ghz 16GB RAM 1090T

hi i need help i know intel is best for sonar x1 but i have the chance of buying the phenom ll x6 3.2 with 16 gig of ram with a very good mother board and top quality cooling brand new for £324 is there a better intel out there for this price or is this good.or is this system just no good for x1 music making please help 

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    Re:Hex Core Phenom II x6 3.2 Ghz 16GB RAM 1090T August 29, 12 7:17 PM (permalink)
    I know I may take some heat for saying it, but I think you will be just fine with that system, and it sounds like a great buy.
    I have been rather fond of AMD processors in the past, and have used quite a few in music systems (once they got the floating-point processing up to par with Intel).

    Unless you plan to have 48 tracks of nothing but soft-synths going in your projects, you should be OK.


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    Re:Hex Core Phenom II x6 3.2 Ghz 16GB RAM 1090T August 29, 12 8:00 PM (permalink)
      I've had zero issues with my machine. All drives are SATA 6 and use a SSD for boot. 

    It's great for gamming too.

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    Re:Hex Core Phenom II x6 3.2 Ghz 16GB RAM 1090T August 29, 12 8:03 PM (permalink)
    The das of AMD processors being looked at like they are toys are long gone.
    i use two daws,one has an I7 intel,
    the other is an AMD phenomII 6 core.
    i know i might take some heat as well by saying this but i find very little difference except the price tags.
    the test i ran with Sandra were very close.

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    Re:Hex Core Phenom II x6 3.2 Ghz 16GB RAM 1090T August 29, 12 8:09 PM (permalink)
    thanks alot i think i understand now its like ps3 and xbox. everyone knows ps3 is far better 4 millions of reasons but in the end they play the same games allmost identical thanks again everyone for the help.

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