Re:Hex Core Phenom II x6 3.2 Ghz 16GB RAM 1090T
August 29, 12 7:17 PM
I know I may take some heat for saying it, but I think you will be just fine with that system, and it sounds like a great buy.
I have been rather fond of AMD processors in the past, and have used quite a few in music systems (once they got the floating-point processing up to par with Intel).
Unless you plan to have 48 tracks of nothing but soft-synths going in your projects, you should be OK.
X2a Prod - Win7 64 (i7 w/8GB) - A&H ZED 14 - Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 - Cakewalk UM-2G - Yamaha HS 80M monitors - Shure SM7B (and many other condenser AND dynamic mics) - tons of other hardware/software.