New PC or Upgrade the old one
Question for my fellow SONAR people.
With the announcement that SONAR is designed to run on either Windows 7 or 8 and that Cakewalk will not be supporting XP users.
Do I-
1. Upgrade my Q6600 machine to Windows 7?
2. By a new i5 PC?
Dam these furry paws.
post edited by Wookiee - August 22, 12 3:14 PM
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.
Karma has a way of finding its own way home.
Primary, i7 8700K 16Gigs Ram, 3x500gb SSD's 2TB Backup HHD Saffire Pro 40. Win 10 64Bit
Secondary i7 4790K, 32GB Ram, 500Gb SSD OS/Prog's, 1TB Audio, 1TB Samples HHD AudioBox USB, Win 10 64Bit
CbB, Adam's A7x's - Event 20/20's, Arturia V6, Korg Digital Legacy, Softube Modular, Arturia Keylab-88, USB-MidiSport 8x8