NanoKontrol2 control channels and busses w/o exiting Sonar?

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October 15, 13 3:22 AM (permalink)

NanoKontrol2 control channels and busses w/o exiting Sonar?

Recently picked up a NanoKontrol, set it up using the Mackie Control ACT profile and it's working pretty much as advertised. Use the track arrow buttons and you can cycle through your tracks in banks of 8 which is handy. One thing missing thought is the ability to also control busses. It appears that you would have to toggle between daw and cc mode to do that which means getting out of Sonar and running the KontrolEditor to make the switch.... is that right or does anyone have a way around it in X3? Thx for any info!

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    Re: NanoKontrol2 control channels and busses w/o exiting Sonar? October 15, 13 4:35 PM (permalink)
    Dang, guess that's a no.....
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    Re: NanoKontrol2 control channels and busses w/o exiting Sonar? October 16, 13 4:46 PM (permalink)
    Figure I'll leave my ultimate answer here for anyone else that might come along later.... in a nutshell I couldn't find a way to focus on / manipulate busses while in Mackie mode (there might be a way but I didn't find it). I'd assumed though that since midi learn didn't seem to work using the ACT Controller or the generic cakewalk profiles that midi learn wouldn't work in general. Eventually though I just deleted the Mackie entry and used midi learn directly on the controls (with the device still in daw mode) and it worked fine. So, for me anyway, the answer is to create and delete the Mackie profile as needed (only takes a sec) and use basic midi learn in between. Not super slick but at least you don't have to get out of Sonar and back in while you reset the device between daw/cc mode....
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