Re:Looper - how do you used it ? Can it do more than a single phrase at a time ?
2012/10/22 10:51:32
Inexpensive loopers just let you overdub over the existing buffer, meaning each layer is summed with the previous layers destructively. If you screw up the last layer you're stuck with it.
The next level up in looper sophistication lets you back out of the most-recent layer and try again. That's a good feature if you're using it live!
Some go way beyond basic overdubbing and let you store multiple loops independently and switch between them. That, to me, seems like way too much fancy footwork for a live situation.
I have a basic looper from Boss. I bought it a couple years ago and had an absolute blast with it - for about a week, after which it was retired to my odds-n-ends cupboard where it sits today.
All else is in doubt, so this is the truth I cling to.
My Stuff