Hi , For five years I have been using Rapture 1.0 updated to 1.1 with expansion packs 1&2 added as well on my old computer and everything installed with no problems and ran without any running startup issues .
Last week-end I built myself a new AMD computer and now after installing Project 5 I installed my disk copy of Rapture 1.0 in Project 5 and its works fine .
After installing it and testing it I started installing the update for Rapture updating it to version 1.0 .
I installed Rapture version 1.0 into my CakeWalk files under Program files and then it ask me where I want to install the VST part of Rapture .
I installed it in my VSTplugin folder located in my CakeWalk folder the same place where I installed my disk copy of 1.0 version .
Now when I startup Rapture I get an error message and it completely shuts down on me .
I uninstall it and reinstall off the disk again and now it works fine , not sure whats going on here but it never did any of this when I updated Rapture on my old PC in Project 5 .
Any suggestions or a fix for this issue I'm having with updating my 1.0 version of Rapture?
Thanks I'll check back tommorrow afternoon sometime , see what happens when you build a new PC your music software goes haywire on you and won't install ! LOL