VS-700R Synth Output To .WAV File

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2012/12/11 19:34:47 (permalink)

VS-700R Synth Output To .WAV File

This may sound really basic but...
I want to record output of vs700r synth to .WAV files, keeping it digital all the way.  Does anyone know how to assign outputs so they are visible to record?  I am confused with the VS700R I/O editor and Sonar X1.    I can get MIDI to the VS700 OK and it plays through the analog sub main outs, but that is all.  

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    Re:VS-700R Synth Output To .WAV File 2012/12/12 01:52:39 (permalink)
    if vs700r synth is fantom or ARX module inside the vs-700r, and it is ...

    ... set-up using an instrument track, all you need to do is freeze the track but disable the 'fast bounce' option (right click on freeze button, select freeze options...), you get the wav file on top of your instrument track which can also be found in your audio folder

    ... set-up using one MIDI and one audio track (with MIDI OUT routed to FANTOM, AUDIO IN is set to FANTOM), just record the audio track while playing back (it is virtually the same as a 'slow' or audible freeze)

    It remains all digital of course. No need to plug any cables ...

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    Re:VS-700R Synth Output To .WAV File 2012/12/12 11:01:52 (permalink)
    Just to add a detail: be sure to drag and drop the FREEZED audio file on a new audio track once it is bounced or else it will disapear if you "unfreeze" the Fantom track.

    Also, when you want to export your finished song, press Ctrl+A (on your computer keyboard) to select everything and Ctrl+Click on the Fantom tracks to unselect them. Only keep your Fantom's bounced WAV tracks selected, not those containing MIDI data.  This will allow you to select "Fast Bounce" in the Export menu and will take way less time.

    Be sure to grab the content of this video about the Fantom VS (very nice):


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