Re:New Tune recorded/mixed in x1 pro
2012/12/27 17:21:24
Ya know, its hard to judge this song. On the one hand, every part is richly detailed and warm. Each instrument is clearly defined and present. But as a whole, its too much. This might be a matter of philosophy... when I listen to music, I often picture being there.. and the music provides me with an idea of where each instrument is in the room, and what the room itself is like. I ask myself things like, what would the piano sound like in relation to the other instruments in the arrangement and placement on this song. I get none of that with this song. It is just "there" in my head. The thing is, I cannot place my head into the piano tone box, and into the bass cab, and into the drum kit center all at once in the real world. It cannot actually sound like this in real life. I have no idea if the above makes sense to you, but if not, let me know and I will try to clarify.
A scientist knows more & more about less & less till he knows everything about nothing, while a philosopher knows less & less about more & more till he knows nothing about everything.
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