Re:Buss Automation
January 20, 13 5:35 PM
That was my workaround but in that the buss is an effect, when I mute the send and unmute the send, the reverb has a delay in it.... which would have been the same thing as muting the buss but the mute the buss didn't work either so I resorted to volume envelope editing (I hate doing that because I loss the ability to adjust the volume of the buss without editing the envelop).
Strange stuff indeed.
The Lamb Laid Down on MIDI Studio Cat Custom i7 with Thunderbolt (wonderful system built and configured by our own Jim R)
Apollo Duo (via TB)
UAD Quad
WIN 8.1 x64 with 32 GB Ram
4 SSD for programs and sample libraries
Splat (latest version)