Buss Automation

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January 20, 13 3:04 PM (permalink)

Buss Automation

Can you believe that you can automate MUTE on tracks but not on busses?



The Lamb Laid Down on MIDI
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    Re:Buss Automation January 20, 13 3:11 PM (permalink)
    It is strange, but when I need to mute a buss I just use a volume envelope with jump nodes. Automated mute is one of the things that doesn't work from the MCU surface either, much to my annoyance.
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    Re:Buss Automation January 20, 13 5:35 PM (permalink)

    That was my workaround but in that the buss is an effect, when I mute the send and unmute the send, the reverb has a delay in it.... which would have been the same thing as muting the buss but the mute the buss didn't work either so I resorted to volume envelope editing (I hate doing that because I loss the ability to adjust the volume of the buss without editing the envelop).

    Strange stuff indeed.


    The Lamb Laid Down on MIDI
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    Re:Buss Automation January 20, 13 5:51 PM (permalink)
    You could drop something like Sleepy-Time Records Stereo Channelhttp://sleepytimerecords.com/audioplugins in the FX bin and automate the mute from there.
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    Re:Buss Automation January 21, 13 1:10 AM (permalink)


    That was my workaround but in that the buss is an effect, when I mute the send and unmute the send, the reverb has a delay in it.... which would have been the same thing as muting the buss but the mute the buss didn't work either so I resorted to volume envelope editing (I hate doing that because I loss the ability to adjust the volume of the buss without editing the envelop).

    Strange stuff indeed.


    Yes It is a pain, I don't like them because of the fader movement on my CS if have it set to busses.

    A workround for buss volume with an envelope is either offset mode or using the envelope level tool (part of the smart tool). Make sure nothing is selected and then with filter set to the vol envelope click drag in the top third of the buss lane.
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    Re:Buss Automation January 21, 13 1:20 AM (permalink)
    There is plenty of weirdness to be had from automation in Sonar. For instance, when I automate the arpeggiator on/off button, it only works if the automation lane in question is visible and selected during playback. And you cannot automate the on/off of an FX chain in the ProChannel unless that ProChannel is open in the console or inspector (Cakewalk have acknowledged this and said it's too much of a big deal to fix at present). 

    I wish they'd iron it out to be honest. I have lots of frustration with automation., 

    Windows 10, Sonar SPlat (64-bit), Intel i7-4930K, 32GB RAM, RME Babyface, AKAI MPK Mini, Roland A-800 Pro, Focusrite VRM Box, Komplete 10 Ultimate, 2012 American Telecaster!
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