Drama Loop don't know what to do?

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2013/01/21 20:14:13 (permalink)

Drama Loop don't know what to do?

Drama Loop don't know what to do?
i am not sure if i should keep spending time for this lill loop.
any suggestions???
i know it is just a lill loop and much early for asking such things
but like i said it is about time.
and of course constructive critics are welcome too :-)

Here it is:



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    Re:Drama Loop don't know what to do? 2013/01/22 16:06:21 (permalink)
    I can hear a fretless bass with notes sliding into each other played to this loop.  I think it would add depth to this piece.

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    Re:Drama Loop don't know what to do? 2013/01/23 01:43:22 (permalink)
    Thanks Lynn for your constructive help
    i can imagine that fretless thing too.
    so i'll try to add a fretless bass. 
    and inside of D-Pro there are lot of fretless stuff. :-)

    Once again THANK YOU Lynn

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    Re:Drama Loop don't know what to do? 2013/01/23 02:17:41 (permalink)
    Hmmmmmm velly intellesting. You have a nice hook at time, but it seems to me to waver between a lead part and a harmony part. If you add another synth instrument layer to the lead with a bit of harmonic counterpoint it might add more to it musically. The bass idea should work too, but I would wait to see what the other instruments and percussion you intend to use before deciding on one, as they can change everything.

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