Open project and tone is lowered?

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2013/02/05 17:06:38 (permalink)

Open project and tone is lowered?

Whats going on guys!!! I am new here so bare with me. I just did a whole project today with just guitars. I save the file then later on go to open it to add some more tracks and it sounds like everything is in slow motion. Or the tone has been lowered quite a bit. Can anyone help me out with this problem? It has done it before but I don't remember how I solved the problem. Thanks!!!

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    Re:Open project and tone is lowered? 2013/02/06 08:58:24 (permalink)
    Hi there Stanley, welcome to the forum.
    Your problem might have occured if you've changed the sample rate of your project - you might have recorded it at 48000Hz but are playing it back at 41000Hz (or vice versa, I can never remember which way round lowers the pitch and which raises it). Try changing the sample rate in Options>Audio>General and see if that sorts it out.

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