X1 Producer MIDI Loop Problem

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February 04, 13 9:45 AM (permalink)

X1 Producer MIDI Loop Problem

Hi folks, my first post here so go easy on me. I've been using Cubase for ages and I'm not that familiar with Sonar X1, but I like it so far, except for one thing... I'm doing some collaboration work with a friend who uses X1 Producer. He's a bass player and I'm a keyboard player. So I took my Yamaha MOX 6 round to his place last weekend and connected it to his PC. Everything was going well until I tried laying down some MIDI parts in loop recording mode using the internal sounds from the MOX. This is what happened: I recorded a 16 bar piano phrase - MIDI We set up a 16 bar loop so I could rehearse a synth overdub When the playback returned to the start of the loop, the first split-second of the piano part didn't sound. Checked in the MIDI editor and it was there - starting right on the bar. Starting playback from just before the loop point was fine. But whenever the playback jumped back to the loop start, the first notes were muted - just momentarily. Playback was normal for the rest of the part. We looked in the settings menu and played with a MIDI buffer setting, but to no avail. It worked fine when we recorded with a VSTi, but we just couldn't get it to work with an external synth (to double-check I hooked up my Proteus module to Sonar, same problem). My friend doesn't own any hardware synths so he's never encountered this before. Also, I've never had this problem with any other DAW I've used. MIDI loop recording with external synths works flawlessly in Cubase, Logic, Samplitude and even Reaper. I'm sure this can't be normal behaviour so I was wondering if any X1 users could shed some insight on to this for me. Thanks, Andy

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    Re:X1 Producer MIDI Loop Problem February 04, 13 10:56 PM (permalink)
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    Re:X1 Producer MIDI Loop Problem February 05, 13 9:37 AM (permalink)
    Whoa... 39 views and 24 hours later... Still no replies. Seriously folks, if any of you are using external sound modules with X1, could you either confirm that this is a bug, or help me fix it? Please..? Thanks
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    Re:X1 Producer MIDI Loop Problem February 06, 13 1:26 AM (permalink)
    Wow... This is a really helpful forum - NOT! Never mind... I'm outta here... Bye
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    Re:X1 Producer MIDI Loop Problem February 06, 13 1:32 AM (permalink)

    Windows 10, Sonar SPlat (64-bit), Intel i7-4930K, 32GB RAM, RME Babyface, AKAI MPK Mini, Roland A-800 Pro, Focusrite VRM Box, Komplete 10 Ultimate, 2012 American Telecaster!
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    Re:X1 Producer MIDI Loop Problem February 06, 13 1:55 AM (permalink)
    best thread ever
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