Helpful ReplyFirst Track Setting

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March 03, 13 2:10 PM (permalink)

First Track Setting

Hello all. First post here. Simple question if I can state it correctly. When starting a new "normal" project, I get two tracks. The first is an audio track where it appears to default to stereo. Correct? The second is a midi track which I have no use for at this time. Is there a default preference I can set so I get one or two mono tracks when opening up a new project? Why does that first track default to stereo interleave? I always end up clicking that to mono interleave. Should I not be doing that? I'm recording guitar tracks and vocals. Also I'm importing my band's recorded track (off an iphone) into the mix so I can add my tracks as practice. I'm kinda new to the advanced recording aspects of Sonar having come from Garageband and a few simple PC recording software. I've used ProTools SE for a bit. That all seemed simpler. Looking forward to getting into the complexities of this DAW. A little confused with the whole mono vs stereo interleave feature. All I want is mono inputs for now so how can I get the new "normal" template to default to a couple mono tracks? Thanks, -K
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Re:First Track Setting March 03, 13 2:31 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpful
You can save your own project templates using the File > Save As menu and choosing the Template file type. You can even overwrite the Normal template if you'd like.

For example, you can delete those two tracks in the Normal template and then insert whatever tracks you'd like. Then save the template. Next time you start a project with that template, it will show your changes.


Scott R. Garrigus - - SONAR X2 Power! -
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Re:First Track Setting March 03, 13 2:36 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpful
I usually rename the normal.cwt to normal-original.cwt, then load normal-original.cwt, modify it to suit my needs and then "Save As" normal.cwt, making sure to save it as a project template with all the rest of the templates. When you add a track, they are stereo by default but if you change the input to a mono source, the track will change to mono automatically.
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Re:First Track Setting March 03, 13 2:49 PM (permalink)
Okay. Got it. Done and done. Thanks- K
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Re:First Track Setting March 03, 13 6:42 PM (permalink)
I have several different templates that I created and saved to use for different types of projects. Makes starting a recording project way easier.

Joel  Glaser
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