Re:Buffer size issues!
2013/04/12 11:49:54
A couple of things.. there is a setting in the aud.ini file (you can do a search) that tells you what variable you need to set to best balance multi cores (all I remember is you should set this value to 2 for QUAD cores).
But, I have another suggestion for you..... believe it or not, this is going to sound counter intuitive but it worked for me. here goes...
When I tried to get as much horse power to SONAR to track with lower latency, I too had tremendous glitches in the audio... however, the more I thought about it and tried to adjust every parameter in both SONAR and the OS to squeeze out as much CPU dedicated to SONAR, I had a thought... perhaps the OS isn't getting enough CPU to do the required background tasks to support the audio sub system and stumbled upon another parameter in AUD.INI. This parameter tells SONAR the max number of threads to use for SONAR (not related to the other multi core parameter).... in essence, the default value of ZERO, tells Sonar to go grab every thread for its usage hence giving SONAR its maximum CPU allocation...
So, as a test, I limited the number of cores that SONAR will control to SIX of the total 8 in my system. I am not sure my theory is correct but my low latency glitches all disappeared. I played with this variable and found that Sonar using 5 wasn't enough for SONAR and SONAR using 7 threads, wasn't enough for the OS... hence my setup is set to use a "maximum thread count" of six. By the way, I think the variable is something like max_thread_count.... you can look this up as well.
Hope my shared experience helps you with your setup.
The Lamb Laid Down on MIDI Studio Cat Custom i7 with Thunderbolt (wonderful system built and configured by our own Jim R)
Apollo Duo (via TB)
UAD Quad
WIN 8.1 x64 with 32 GB Ram
4 SSD for programs and sample libraries
Splat (latest version)