PC Specs OK?

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June 07, 13 11:40 AM (permalink)

PC Specs OK?

I am experiencing latency issues and would like to first know if my hardware is sufficient.
I know there are a ton of posts regarding latency so will go down that road once I know whether the PC can be ruled out as part of the problem.
Controller: Alexis Q25
CPU: Intel E5300 (2.6 Ghz, Dual Core, 2MB L2 Cache)
Running:Windows 7 (64bit), Sonar Essentials 64bit

10 Replies Related Threads

    Andrew Rossa
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    Re: PC Specs OK? June 07, 13 12:00 AM (permalink)
    What audio interface are you using? I'd start with that first to trouble shoot.
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    Re: PC Specs OK? June 07, 13 12:46 AM (permalink)
    I have tried WDM and ASIO.
    Before troubleshooting various settings and driver options I just wanted to be sure my CPU and RAM are sufficient.

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    Re: PC Specs OK? June 07, 13 12:57 AM (permalink)
    There are quite a few folks here in the forum that will try to help you get this figured out.  One of the first thing I recommend is that particularly when it is being asked from one of the Cakewalk folks, is that you answer the requests for information that you get.  Andrew asked you a simple question that is in fact relevant to assisting you, and you for some reason chose to not supply some really basic info.  If you expect to get assistance, from him, from me, or from anybody in the forum, you need to provide us with enough information to be able to help you.
    Otherwise, there is no point in anyone bothering to post in your thread.
    You even have the attention of one of the Cakewalk folks, so let's get to it.
    So, please review the list below and respond to each question:
    1.  As Andrew asked, what precise audio interface are you using?
    2.  What driver version are you using?
    3.  If you know it, what firmware version is the interface using?  (sometimes displayed on the front panel or accessible under one of the menu options).
    4.  How is your audio interface connected to your computer? (USB? PCI? FireWire?)
    5.  If it is a USB connection, do you have the interface connected to a USB 2.0 or a USB 3.0 port?
    6.  Is your Windows installation up to current Microsoft maintenance levels?
    7.  For your audio interface, what are the current settings you have it set to, for Sample Rate and ASIO Buffer Size? (ASIO Buffer Size is sometimes incorporated on some interfaces using a slightly different mechanism - perhaps it is called Number of Samples or something like that).
    8.  In Sonar, under Preferences, please list the values currently there for the following:
    • Audio>Devices>Input Drivers (are the ones for your interface checked here?)
    • Audio>Devices>Output Drivers (are the ones for your interface checked here?)
    • Audio>Driver Settings>Sampling Rate
    • Audio>Driver Settings>ASIO Reported Latencies (there are a few below, please list each value)
    • Audio>Playback and Recording>Driver Mode
    • File>Audio Data>Record Bit-Depth
    Please list the values for ALL of the things I have asked for above.  Once you provide that info, we can look at getting things fixed up for you.
    Bob Bone

    Wisdom is a giant accumulation of "DOH!"
    Sonar: Platinum (x64), X3 (x64) 
    Audio Interfaces: AudioBox 1818VSL, Steinberg UR-22
    Computers: 1) i7-2600 k, 32 GB RAM, Windows 8.1 Pro x64 & 2) AMD A-10 7850 32 GB RAM Windows 10 Pro x64
    Soft Synths: NI Komplete 8 Ultimate, Arturia V Collection, many others
    MIDI Controllers: M-Audio Axiom Pro 61, Keystation 88es
    Settings: 24-Bit, Sample Rate 48k, ASIO Buffer Size 128, Total Round Trip Latency 9.7 ms  
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    Re: PC Specs OK? June 07, 13 1:37 PM (permalink)
    I have tried WDM and ASIO.
    Before troubleshooting various settings and driver options I just wanted to be sure my CPU and RAM are sufficient.

    It depends on what you are trying to accomplish. To me those specs are a little light but if you are merely dealing with raw audio with minimal effects then it's more than enough. The VSTs and softsynths will suck up your RAM. As has been mentioned more details on your set up and what type of stuff you are trying to do will garner better answers.
    There are ways to make a lower powered system rock out but it takes some targeted tweaks to get you there. One thing that is also not listed is what kind of hard drives you are using. The speed of the drives can factor in as well. It's already been mentioned but your interface (if you have one) is just as important as your computer in regards to audio. If you do not have an interface that would be the absolute first thing to start looking at to get things working smoothly. There are many good and affordable devices on the market right now but to give decent recommendations again we would need to know more about what you are trying to do and your system set up.
    You already have Bob and one of the bakers on your side here willing to help. Definitely use this opportunity. Cheers and good luck.
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    Re: PC Specs OK? June 07, 13 1:38 PM (permalink)
    I was actually not asking for solutions to latency issues at this point. I realize there are many variables to consider.
    As a starting point I'd just like to know if my computer is sufficient to run X2 Essentials with acceptable latency levels?
    (assuming everything else is configured correctly and there are no other hardware issues.)

    I realize, and have read numerous posts, on how to troubleshoot latency issues. I fully intend to follow those suggestions.
    I'd just like to rule out the CPU possibly not having enough cores, or having too little RAM before proceeding.
    I'll ask this another way.
    Does my PC meet the System Requirements to run X2 Essentials with acceptable latency levels?
    If it does, great.
    Then I will gather all the information asked for and post it.
    Sorry, I am brand new to this product and I do appreciate everyone's help.
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    Re: PC Specs OK? June 07, 13 1:51 PM (permalink)
    The info you are looking for is here...

    System Requirements

    Minimum system requirements
  • Windows 7 or Windows 8 (32 and 64-bit). XP and Vista are no longer officially supported. Future updates will not be compatible or install on XP and Vista as they are no longer officially supported.
  • Intel Core 2 Duo E8200 2.67 GHz / AMD Phenom Quad Core 9750 2.4 Ghz or higher
  • 2GB of RAM
  • 1280x800 minimum screen resolution
  • 4.5GB for minimal install, 20GB recommended
  • Broadband internet connection for download
  • Cakewalk Publisher requires available web server space with FTP access
  • #7
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    Re: PC Specs OK? June 07, 13 1:59 PM (permalink)
    I'll get the details posted tomorrow. (I'm supposed to be working today!)
    Again, thanks to you all.
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    Re: PC Specs OK? June 07, 13 2:05 PM (permalink)
    Your PC specs should be fine for a lower number of soft synths and a lower track count. You need to be specific about your latency issue. Do you have latency playing a soft synth with a lot of other tracks playing back or with no other tracks? Are you playing guitar with input monitoring and no other tracks playing back and still having latency issues? Do you have an effect with look-ahead buffering inserted on the track you're having latency issues with?

    Core2 6600 2.40 GHz, ASUS P5B Deluxe, 8GB RAM, GeForce GT 630 2GB, 3 Seagate Sata, Echo AudioFire 4 asio, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, Sonar Platinum, Cakewalk by Bandlab
    Andrew Rossa
    Max Output Level: -56 dBFS
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    Re: PC Specs OK? June 07, 13 2:06 PM (permalink)
    I'll get the details posted tomorrow. (I'm supposed to be working today!)
    Again, thanks to you all.

    Your specs should be ok but the heart of the issue is your audio interface. Please post your specs and we can try to help you with the latency issue to or contact customer service:
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    Re: PC Specs OK? June 07, 13 2:08 PM (permalink)
    We don't know, without the information requested.  
    Bob Bone

    Wisdom is a giant accumulation of "DOH!"
    Sonar: Platinum (x64), X3 (x64) 
    Audio Interfaces: AudioBox 1818VSL, Steinberg UR-22
    Computers: 1) i7-2600 k, 32 GB RAM, Windows 8.1 Pro x64 & 2) AMD A-10 7850 32 GB RAM Windows 10 Pro x64
    Soft Synths: NI Komplete 8 Ultimate, Arturia V Collection, many others
    MIDI Controllers: M-Audio Axiom Pro 61, Keystation 88es
    Settings: 24-Bit, Sample Rate 48k, ASIO Buffer Size 128, Total Round Trip Latency 9.7 ms  
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