There are quite a few folks here in the forum that will try to help you get this figured out. One of the first thing I recommend is that particularly when it is being asked from one of the Cakewalk folks, is that you answer the requests for information that you get. Andrew asked you a simple question that is in fact relevant to assisting you, and you for some reason chose to not supply some really basic info. If you expect to get assistance, from him, from me, or from anybody in the forum, you need to provide us with enough information to be able to help you.
Otherwise, there is no point in anyone bothering to post in your thread.
You even have the attention of one of the Cakewalk folks, so let's get to it.
So, please review the list below and respond to each question:
1. As Andrew asked, what precise audio interface are you using?
2. What driver version are you using?
3. If you know it, what firmware version is the interface using? (sometimes displayed on the front panel or accessible under one of the menu options).
4. How is your audio interface connected to your computer? (USB? PCI? FireWire?)
5. If it is a USB connection, do you have the interface connected to a USB 2.0 or a USB 3.0 port?
6. Is your Windows installation up to current Microsoft maintenance levels?
7. For your audio interface, what are the current settings you have it set to, for Sample Rate and ASIO Buffer Size? (ASIO Buffer Size is sometimes incorporated on some interfaces using a slightly different mechanism - perhaps it is called Number of Samples or something like that).
8. In Sonar, under Preferences, please list the values currently there for the following:
- Audio>Devices>Input Drivers (are the ones for your interface checked here?)
- Audio>Devices>Output Drivers (are the ones for your interface checked here?)
- Audio>Driver Settings>Sampling Rate
- Audio>Driver Settings>ASIO Reported Latencies (there are a few below, please list each value)
- Audio>Playback and Recording>Driver Mode
- File>Audio Data>Record Bit-Depth
Please list the values for ALL of the things I have asked for above. Once you provide that info, we can look at getting things fixed up for you.
Bob Bone