AnsweredCan't get sidechaining to work with PC4K compressor

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2013/06/21 07:18:53 (permalink)

Can't get sidechaining to work with PC4K compressor

Hello folks,
I created a pad track, and switched the prochannel compressor to PC4k S-Type, and turned sidechaining on with the toggle switch.  According to the video from Cakewalk, I go to another audio track (my bass drum for instance), and insert a send. I should be able to pick the PC4K as a send, but it doesn't appear in the list like it does in the video.  I seem to be missing something rather obvious, but I can't seem to experiment my way to success.
Can anyone help? Thanks.

David Ewer
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Re: Can't get sidechaining to work with PC4K compressor 2013/06/21 07:56:10 (permalink) ☼ Best Answerby Dave 2013/06/21 13:17:31
The PC4K shows up in the send options as Built In Channel Fx(Input 2)-Track n. Where n is the track the PC4K is on.
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Re: Can't get sidechaining to work with PC4K compressor 2013/06/21 08:11:02 (permalink)
Oh I see, thanks very much. Strangely this differed from their video, but that's fine!
Thanks again.

David Ewer
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Re: Can't get sidechaining to work with PC4K compressor 2013/06/22 15:59:19 (permalink)
scook - thanks for the pointer on that. Helpful!

Two internal 2TB SSDs laptop stuffed with Larry's deals and awesome tools. Studio One is the cat's meow as a DAW now that I've migrated off of Sonar. Using BandLab Cakewalk just to grab old files when migrating songs.
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Re: Can't get sidechaining to work with PC4K compressor 2013/06/22 16:12:23 (permalink)
Cakewalk seriously needs to tidy up the way in which those sends are listed. It's messy and needlessly confusing.

Windows 10, Sonar SPlat (64-bit), Intel i7-4930K, 32GB RAM, RME Babyface, AKAI MPK Mini, Roland A-800 Pro, Focusrite VRM Box, Komplete 10 Ultimate, 2012 American Telecaster!
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