Automation Does Not Move When Cutting & Pasting
Hi all,
I have X2 Producer with X2A patch installed. I'm having issues when I want to move entire blocks of music. This crops up when I'm arranging.
Problem 1)
I press CTRL+A to select everything. I then set the start at measure X and end at measure Y. CTRL+C to copy, then I select the destination. All the tracks (midi and audio) get copied but the automation in the Automation Lanes has not been copied and they need to be individually selected and copied manually.
Problem 2)
Press W to move to the start of a song. CTRL+A to select all. Insert 2 Measures. The entire song gets moved along. *Except* the content of the Automation Lanes. Now the automation for the entirety of a song is 2 measures out.
Is there something hilariously noobish I'm missing here in my process? Thanks in advance to anyone that can help.