How do I locate the active program in the Dimension Pro program browser?
I recently started using Dimension Pro and Sonar X2. One thing that frustrates me is trying to locate the active program in the Dimension Pro program browser after I've closed the plug-in window.
For example, the other day I needed to use an accordion sound. I settled on one (let's call it "Accordion 1") then I closed the Dimension Pro plug-in window. The next day I changed my mind and wanted to use a different program from the same bank (let's call it "Accordion 2"). But when I reopened the Dimension Pro plug-in window and program browser, I couldn't remember which bank "Accordion 1" was in, so I had no idea where to look for "Accordion 2". I ended up having to manually open up several banks until I found the right one.
Is there a better way to find the location of the active program in the Dimension Pro program browser?
(I hope I got the terminology right. Hopefully it's clear what I meant.)