Re: Reverse reverb effect
August 13, 13 9:04 PM
You set the reverb, in forward, to where you want. Do you want a long tail, short tail or a medium? Bounce that track to a new track. Cut away the un-needed bits. Reverse the remaining clip and add it to where you want it to be.
If I did this with a snare hit. I would leave the original snare hit where it is and place the hit from the reversed clip and blend it with the original so they hit at the same time. Then I would cut the reversed hit off leaving enough till it sounded right.
Notation, the original DAW. Everything else is just rote. We are who we are and no more than another. Humans, you people are crazy.
Win 7 x64 X2 Intel DX58SO, Intel i7 920 2.66ghz 12gb DDR3 ASUS ATI EAH5750 650w PSU 4x WD HDs 320gb DVD, DVD RW Eleven Rack, KRK Rokit 8s and 10s sub