SSD vs Spindle HD Speed

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September 13, 13 12:24 AM (permalink)

SSD vs Spindle HD Speed

I've got Sonar 8.5 installed on a SSD drive (my boot drive) in my audio/video computer and I don't have the space for Sonar X2 that I just bought.
If I install X2 to one of my other system drives to run it from there (SATA 3G 7200 rpm), do I lose any speed advantages if I don't run it from my SS boot drive? If so, is the speed decrease not a big deal?
I have projects that I still want to mix in 8.5 and didn't want to uninstall it yet.

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    Re: SSD vs Spindle HD Speed September 13, 13 12:41 AM (permalink)
    Performance will not be a problem but you may have an easier time installing X2 if you can find the space on the C: drive. SONAR proper takes up ~200MB of disk space. Most of the space consumed with a full install of SONAR Producer are the samples in the plug-ins and "Loops and One Shots." Plug-ins and audio samples can be installed anywhere.
    If you already installed "Cakewalk Content" on the C: drive, that is a good candidate for relocaton. Also, if there are any sample libraries installed on C:, I would relocate them to free up some space.
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    Re: SSD vs Spindle HD Speed September 13, 13 1:44 PM (permalink)
    I have my plugins installed on my C: Drive Programs/cakewalk/vstplugins/ and the application and other files on my D Drive.
    My C drive is a small SSD drive and my other D Drive is a 7200rpm 1gb drive. 
    I notice no performance problems with my configuration, no latency etc.
    However with this configuration I have noticed that my C Drive is filling up rapidly with all the plugins I install and I have had to manage the drive space a LOT.
    sometimes huge sample libraries that I am using with PLAY (EastWest) or Kontakt libraries sometimes I will have a bit of latency with playback cause my samples reside on my D Drive and are on a regular SATA drive.
    in general, no real problems putting Cakewalk on non SSD that I have experienced.
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    Re: SSD vs Spindle HD Speed September 13, 13 2:22 PM (permalink)
    Thanks for the suggestions, guys.
    Jim Roseberry
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    Re: SSD vs Spindle HD Speed September 13, 13 3:27 PM (permalink)
    You can certainly run Sonar from a conventional HD... and it won't drastically affect performance (vs. SSD).
    That said, from an organizational standpoint, I'd want X2 installed on my boot drive.
    I'd take a close look... and see if you can free up enough space to install Sonar to the SSD.
    If any sample/audio libraries are currently on C:, move them to your conventional HD.
    Otherwise, you could always backup the current SSD (using True Image or similar)... and get a new/larger SSD to use as a boot drive.

    Best Regards,

    Jim Roseberry
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    Re: SSD vs Spindle HD Speed September 13, 13 3:34 PM (permalink)
    One thing I failed to mention, if Beatscape is installed on the C: drive, the "Beatscape Factory Content" is about 4GB of samples that can be deleted when the X2 "Loops and One Shots" are installed. All the samples in Beatscape are included in "Loops and One Shots." To use the X2 loops in Beatscape create a junction to the Audio Library in Cakewalk Content to replace the "Beatscape Factory Content"
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