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October 11, 13 1:25 AM (permalink)


When working in PRV and I hit the solo button for that track and then hit PLAY, no sound occurs. I have to hit PLAY then STOP and then PLAY again for it to solo.
Is this a confirmed bug in X2a? Does it happen in X3? Because it has always been that way for me in X2a.

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    Re: X2a SOLO BUG! ? October 11, 13 5:01 AM (permalink)
    Depends on what it is you're trying to solo.
    If this is audio then I'd say you have a problem.
    If it's Midi, then it's behaving as expected as the Midi won't "pick up" halfway through a long Midi note.

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    Re: X2a SOLO BUG! ? October 11, 13 6:46 AM (permalink)
    Two questions.

    Is the track Simple Instrument Track?
    Is the Solo button grouped with the Solo button of the bus?

    Tak T.
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    Re: X2a SOLO BUG! ? October 12, 13 4:22 AM (permalink)
    It's a MIDI/Instrument track (usually Dim Pro). And it happens at the beginning of a note, at the beginning of the song, or anywhere really.
    I do realize the middle of a note won't play.
    No groups of any kind.
    It just seems odd to me it does that and it's a pain to deal with while editing notes. That's why I'm asking if it's normal behavior or not.
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    Re: X2a SOLO BUG! ? October 12, 13 4:30 AM (permalink)
    When I'm in the PRV I always hit S (I use "Solo all selected tracks" for S) to monitor only the current track but I THINK there was only one time when I heard nothing. Then I wondered why and checked something, and found something, and resolved it. I don't remember what I did. But other than that I always hear the soloed track, unless the solo button is grouped. 

    Tak T.
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    Re: X2a SOLO BUG! ? October 12, 13 4:34 AM (permalink)
    Until I find out what's up I guess I'll just add it to my personally specialized glitch list. It's mine and no one else gets to have it!

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    Re: X2a SOLO BUG! ? October 12, 13 4:40 AM (permalink)
    Jlien X
    When I'm in the PRV I always hit S (I use "Solo all selected tracks" for S). 

    I just set mine up like that and tried it but still get the same result. Hmmm!
    Another note: When I click off the SOLO button, that track again goes dead and I have to hit STOP and hit PLAY to get sound from it.
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    Re: X2a SOLO BUG! ? October 12, 13 4:45 AM (permalink)
    Yeah I've had that happen in X2, and it still happens in X3.  Some times it's just the first note from the current now time that doesn't play, other times I have stop & start playback again to get it to play.

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    Re: X2a SOLO BUG! ? October 12, 13 4:50 AM (permalink)
    S... So you m... mean I'm not c-c-c-craz-z-zy like every-wo-wo-wone sezzz?????
    Thanks Dan
    Then again, maybe we're both crazy! HUH?!
    BTW, audio tracks do not behave this way. Only MIDI/Instrument tracks. I do not use simple MIDI tracks.
    post edited by soens - October 12, 13 5:01 AM
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    Re: X2a SOLO BUG! ? October 12, 13 10:44 AM (permalink)
    Now when I hit a SOLO button all the tracks flash several times before enacting the SOLO.
    Maybe my video card is overheating.
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