What software in X3 Pro will work outside of X3 & what also comes with an OSX version?
I already own way too much Cakewalk stuff. I should probably own the company by now & every time I buy something I tell myself I'm not going to get the next upgrade. I've said for years that upgrade prices should be based on how much company stuff each user already owns. If the user owns 1 piece of software, that user gets a small discount. If the user owns 10 pieces of software, that user SHOULD get a substantial discount in their upgrade.
OK, I'm stepping down from my soapbox & getting to the point....
That said, I've owned Cakewalk since it ran in DOS, owned about 90% of the versions of Pro Audio, owned every version of Sonar Producer from 2.2 to 8.5 (including 8), X1 & X2. Now I'm considering upgrading to X3.
Would someone please be so kind as to tell me which pieces of additional software that comes with X3 Producer will ONLY run in X3, which ones will work with any Windows DAW & which ones also have OSX versions?
I know that the version of TH2 that comes with X2 ONLY works with X2 & doesn't even work in X1, where as True Piano ONLY works in Sonar, but it works with ALL versions of Sonar & Dim Pro & Rapture also come with OSX versions. Do the AAS Session VSTi also come with OSX VSTi/AU? or are they just Windows or even JUST X3 versions?
Since I use Win XP & OSX Snow Leopard systems in my studio, in addition to Win 7 Pro 64-bit, so being able to use some of the software in other places would really help.
Man, it's too bad I'm not getting paid by the word here. Sorry for all the rambling, but I wanted to make sure I put enough info in here that nobody would understand my questions or that they would misunderstand what I'm asking. Of course, I also had to do a little preaching there at the beginning...
Thank you for anyone who takes the time to read this & reply.