Sonar X3 and Yamaha MOX6 Crashing
The two worked together great for a few weeks and latest version of Sonar X3 started crashing. It started doing (Not Responding) then after a while it would allow me to do a few things. Nowadays I have to save even if I enter just one note because it starts crashing even when spacebar is pressed. I used to be able to do audio and Midi. Now it would crash also with just a midi song. I even tried disconnecting USB3 and using MIDI cable. Same problem. To back up a little... after I upgraded from X2, I started getting Visual C++ erorr pop-up window. I still do get that on every start up. I have to click "ignore," otherwise it won't allow me to continue. I'm almost at the end of a project and I dear not do anything like upgrading MOX driver, or HP driver etc. I don't see that many Yamaha MOX6/Sonar support on the net... My system is Windows 7, HP AMD 10Gig RAM, 3GHz. Focusrite PRO 14. About a year old.