Could you give an example of this? I want to assign/route specific sounds from Dimension Pro or even Rapture to individual 16 channels of the TTS-1.
Keep in mind that I'm importing & working on midi song files.
Thank you
OK, but first we need to clarify some concepts across which you'll need to be successful.
TTS-1 is itself a sound-generator. you'll drive it either with prerecorded midi, or recording a midi-performance in realtime. However, you cannot use TTS-1 (or any other sound-generator) to drive another - they output audio, not midi.
If you are using Rapture or Dim Pro, these generators do not bother to note either channel, bank, or patch, because, unlike TTS-1, they are not multi-timbral; they can handle only one sound.
Note: TTS-1 is multi-timbral, it can play 16 instruments simulataneously. DIM Pro is not.
For Dim-Pro and other one-sound instruments, you use the interface within the instrument to choose the sound or program you want. There should be a midi track assigned to the instrument, and there should also be an audio track assigned to the output of the instrument as well.
It might be a good idea for you to peruse the videos available at Sonar University - there are some basic walk-thru videos which can show you how to do these steps. I think this would be best for you. You can reach Sonar University from Cakewalk's main page.
post edited by SuperG - 2013/11/14 18:17:56