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Could i use the nord pedal with my digital piano?
Hi could i use the nord pedal with my digital piano? I know says only for nord but it uses midi. My digital piano has very nice church organ sound. I have found that playing the organ my hands don't jerk as they do with piano. I look online found few pump organs but where all sold before i got look at them. I found few electronic ones but lot them were sold as well. Thanks
Jeff Evans
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Re: Could i use the nord pedal with my digital piano?
December 15, 13 7:47 AM
Marcus are you talking about the sustain pedal. Or do you mean an expression (volume) pedal. Not sure what you mean by it using midi. If it is the sustain pedal the answer will depend on how the sustain pedal is configured. Does the pedal have a standard jack on the end of the lead? When the pedal is up (ie not pressed ) then the jack contacts will either short out (NC or normally closed) or remain open circuit. (NO or normally open) When the pedal is pressed then a NC pedal becomes NO and a NO pedal will become NC. You can use this with the piano as long as the piano expects the pedal to behave the same way. If the pedal however is wired the wrong way for the piano then you cannot really use it. You can easily test it by simply plugging it in. Don't press it to start with. If all the notes are sustaining when the pedal is not pressed (and not sustaining when the pedal is pressed) then you cannot really use the pedal with the piano. If the pedal does not work properly with the piano ie the wrong way around, some pianos are smart enough to detect pedal polarity on switch on and set themselves accordingly. Try turning the piano off with the pedal connected and turning it back on and see what happens. This may not work either. There may be a setting for pedal polarity in the piano settings and you will have to do it manually. Check the pedal itself. Some of them have a little switch on the bottom which can reverse its behaviour too. Then you could be lucky and the pedal will behave as per normal. ie not sustaining when not pressed and sustaining when pressed. You wont damage the piano by doing this only you will find out if it is going to work or not. Now if you are talking about a volume or expression pedal things are a little more complicated then. There is a good chance it wont work.
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Re: Could i use the nord pedal with my digital piano?
December 15, 13 9:42 AM
He's talking about the expression pedal, I think. I've never heard of a MIDI sustain pedal. Such a thing might exist, but it certainly wouldn't be a standard. Most expression (or "swell") pedals are analog, not MIDI. For a MIDI pedal to work on the piano, which probably doesn't have a dedicated MIDI expression input jack, you'd have to plug it into the MIDI IN jack on the piano (assuming the pedal uses a standard 5-pin MIDI cable). Even if that worked, you'd lose the ability to control the piano from a sequencer unless you added a MIDI merger - and MIDI mergers cost as much as an expression pedal. I'd suggest just getting a nice expression pedal for the piano, from the piano's manufacturer if possible. If your piano happens to be a Roland, that company makes a really nice one that has a similar range and feel to a traditional Hammond swell pedal.
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Re: Could i use the nord pedal with my digital piano?
December 15, 13 2:31 PM
Yes you are probably right Dave. They tend to use a stereo jack as the connection. There is a sort of standard out there. eg zero ohms to 10 K Ohms over the range of movement of the pedal. I have got an Emulator expression pedal that works with my Kurzweil. But there are also other variations out there as well eg Yamaha has a very different method of doing it all together and it definitely does not work on anything other than Yamaha gear. So if it is an expression pedal you are talking about then often the best approach is to as mentioned here get the one the piano manufacturer recommends. What he might mean though regarding midi is that most often if you do connect an expression pedal to most things then that is often sent over midi out as a midi controller code. Handy for controlling other things over midi further down the line.
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Re: Could i use the nord pedal with my digital piano?
December 16, 13 3:12 PM
The plot thickens:
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Re: Could i use the nord pedal with my digital piano?
December 16, 13 3:16 PM
Jeff Evans ...Yamaha has a very different method of doing it all together and it definitely does not work on anything other than Yamaha gear.
I hope that's not a universal truth, Jeff, because I've just ordered a Yamaha expression pedal to use with my Hammond XK-1, to replace a cheap generic one that broke. I'm hoping the Yamaha pedal will be sturdier under my lead foot. I tend to hit pedals (and keyboards) pretty hard during live performance.
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Re: Could i use the nord pedal with my digital piano?
December 16, 13 3:35 PM
Dave you are probably OK with the FC7 which is what I think you ordered. I was referring to the older FC3A which was the original expression pedal for the DX7. It looks like it needs a DC voltage to work and has a light and LDR installed and the pedal moves a strip of plastic that lets more or less light through that is between the light and LDR. So totally useless for anything else. I believe the FC7 is more your normal variable resistor design. However I did see someone mention on a forum somewhere that it did not work on a Kurzweil though.
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Re: Could i use the nord pedal with my digital piano?
December 16, 13 7:36 PM
I may have seen that same posting, which I think said the Kurzweil expects a 50K pot. Yup, I ordered the FC7. $40 versus a hundred bucks for the Hammond pedal, which looks exactly like the cheap crappy one I destroyed.
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Re: Could i use the nord pedal with my digital piano?
December 17, 13 1:42 AM
Thanks every one I'm looking make my digital piano more like a organ. The Roland pk 9 sweet-water recommended looks like it work Hooks up by midi implantation or to my digital piano by pk cord. My digital piano got very strong very full and Swell Church Organ sound. And like real organ there no dynamics in the keys so I'm looking for pedal.
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Re: Could i use the nord pedal with my digital piano?
December 17, 13 9:41 AM
Holy crap, that (admittedly cool) gizmo costs $1700! Do you really want bass pedals that badly? If all you want is the expression pedal, those can be had for $40 - $100.
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Re: Could i use the nord pedal with my digital piano?
December 17, 13 5:09 PM
I know right I don't think a bass pedal will be as needed my piano is 88 keys. What you reccomend? I'm open to suggestions! My digital piano dose not have a pedal input. thank you
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Re: Could i use the nord pedal with my digital piano?
December 17, 13 10:54 PM
If your piano does not have an expression pedal input, a MIDI expression pedal may be the only way to go. One solution is to use a resistance-to-MIDI transducer like this. You can then plug any generic expression pedal into it and it will translate pedal movements into MIDI cc11 events. The downside to that approach is that now you've used up your only MIDI input for the expression pedal, so you can't control the piano from SONAR when the pedal's plugged in. The solution to that is called a MIDI Merger, a device that accepts MIDI data from two sources and interleaves them into one output. So altogether you're looking at $40 for the pedal, $70 for the merger and $150 for the translator. I'd check Sweetwater or zzounds for prices, though, as they're probably a little less than buying direct from the source I linked to above.
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Re: Could i use the nord pedal with my digital piano?
December 18, 13 4:44 AM
I look at that but wasn't sure if that would had work thanks for clearing that up. As for Sonar I'm not using that at the moment to record and my piano also got usb/midi. I also would record audio not midi. I'm thinking of buying the yamaha fc 7 expression pedal. Got lot great reviews. But I'am confuse the yamaha pedal reads that it control volume but nothing on expression or am I miss understanding? Thanks
post edited by marcus3 - December 18, 13 4:48 AM
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Re: Could i use the nord pedal with my digital piano?
December 18, 13 6:54 PM
The FC-7 is an analog expression pedal, meaning it's just a potentiometer in a box. You must have an actual expression pedal input on the piano for it to work. Look at the jacks on the back of the piano. If it doesn't have one labeled "Expression" (or maybe just "Exp.") then the FC-7 won't work by itself. BTW, what model is your piano? (Should have asked that at the top!)
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Re: Could i use the nord pedal with my digital piano?
December 18, 13 10:45 PM
It's good thing I didn't order it. Thanks I was confuse on how this works. This is my 1st expression pedal to control volume for organ. I try buy Acoustic organ but people magically sold them the day I ask. Than I found some very nice electronic ones but they were sold too. The upside is I can play organ and or piano doing it this way. Without finding a space for new instrument lol I'm still working towards the Roland pk 9 because it gives more organ feel with the pedals. My digital piano is William digital Piano. here the manual page 36 midi imputation Thanks
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Re: Could i use the nord pedal with my digital piano?
December 18, 13 11:01 PM
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Re: Could i use the nord pedal with my digital piano?
December 19, 13 10:38 AM
I have that M-Audio pedal. Or, more precisely, I have a broken non-functioning one in a box. It's pretty flimsy, so I wouldn't recommend that one. It's why I have the Yamaha FC-7 currently on order, which I'm hoping is more rugged. But yes, if you had an expression pedal jack on your piano that pedal would have worked. Unfortunately, you don't have a jack for an expression pedal on that instrument. Therefore, the only way to get an organ swell pedal going is by getting the transducer I linked to above, and plugging a pedal into it.
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Re: Could i use the nord pedal with my digital piano?
December 19, 13 3:57 PM
Which pedal should I get with the midi solution pedal connector?
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Re: Could i use the nord pedal with my digital piano?
December 19, 13 7:09 PM
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Re: Could i use the nord pedal with my digital piano?
December 20, 13 4:45 AM
I look up Roland pk 9 manual. The $1700 not worth it for my piano. The pedalboard keys will work but the expression/volume pedal dose not because its analog. So I'll be spending more money just to use thanks.. Marcus
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Re: Could i use the nord pedal with my digital piano?
December 20, 13 8:52 AM
Either of those suggestions would work. The Yamaha device is a little pricey for what you need, but would allow you to get even more inventive, e.g. controlling modulation instead of volume. If you go with the separate conversion box, you'll have the flexibility to use just about any expression pedal, which could be a plus if the pedal breaks. And they do break down. I just got a new Yamaha FC-7 yesterday to replace a busted M-Audio pedal, and I'm impressed with its apparent quality and heft. A great deal for $40.
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