Thanks for your reply, Kalle.
Yes, I was using Amplitube in stand-alone mode. It was the only music-related application resident at the time I was using it.
Please confirm: Does the pulse get recorded? Does it show also in the audio waveform, or is the waveform normal, but output is pulsating? Is it equal in all output channels (loudspeakers, headphones), similar during recording and playback?
Does the pulse occur on "plain", single audio tracks with no copied double tracks or such that could cause phase cancelling?
Those are excellent questions and I had to check to confirm. No, the pulse is not being recorded. It appears in playback. Which makes sense, when you think about it, else, why would it also be showing up in MIDI playback when a plug-in synth is used (which is set for "First Synth Audio Out")?
Yes, the pulse is occurring on a plain, simple audio track with nothing else loaded. I specifically set up a test audio file with a single audio track, in which I then recorded my guitar, with no effects in the signal path. The quality of the audio between the pulses is excellent. But the pulses in the playback render it unusable.
As for routing and the output channels, well, this Delta-66 card comes with its own software mixer. 1 and 2 OUT run to a stereo system that powers my studio monitors. The 1 through 4 direct OUTs actually bypass the OMNI box, feeding the signal from the Delta 66 directly to whatever is connected to the OUTs. To hear the audio, I have to set the software mixer's output sources to either "mixer" or "sw rtn" (software return). The volume is slightly greater when I set the output source to sw rtn. Either way, however, I hear the pulse. This is true whether I'm listening to an audio recording or a "project" where I've set up plug-in soft synths to handle the midi voices. Again, if I leave the midi alone -- defaulted to the MS Wavetable Synth -- there is no pulse. Just when the synths are assigned to "first audio."
First thing I would try is record without the extras (Omnibox, Mackie) directly to Delta. You are using ASIO drivers?
Yes, I'm using the ASIO4ALL v2 drivers. Just now, I tried something else. With the MIDI project, I went into Edit>Preferences>Audio>Playback and Recording and changed the drivers to MME (32bit). I double checked the drivers in Devices, clicked on Apply, then closed it. When I hit Play, it sounded awful and I realized the buffers were set too low, so I went back in and increased the buffer sizes, then tried again. Wow. No more pulse! So next, I loaded in an audio project with these same MME drivers loaded and tried the audio. No such luck. Still the pulse.
So now I find this interesting. With the ASIO drivers, both the plug-in synths in the MIDI project, and the audio only file are exhibiting the pulse, whereas with the MME drivers (and the same soft synths active in the MIDI project), only the audio file is exhibiting the pulse. I don't understand this. What, perhaps MME drivers don't see the soft synths as using audio, even though I had to click on "First Synth Audio Out" for them to be heard? Certainly the MIDI project doesn't sound any different, using the MME drivers as opposed to the ASIO ones, once I dialed in a sufficient number of buffers.
If no FX whatsoever is included, one suspect to me would be the routing. Could there be phase cancelling caused somehow
with those particular tempi or something? Like the signal going two routes and clashing at output causing phase problem at only some tempi.
Yes, I would also suspect routing. But given that this problem first appeared when I was running my guitar through the Alesis iO2 which was connected to a USB port, and then later it appeared when I ran my guitar into 1 IN on the OMNI box, it causes me to believe that the source of the problem lies elsewhere. I used two entirely different paths, yet got the same results with each. And please recall what I wrote in my first post -- how, when I first discovered this problem, by unplugging and plugging back in the iO2 I was getting shorter and shorter times before the signal became corrupted. That in itself is strange behavior to me.
Well, I tried an easy way to rule out the Delta 66 and/or its OMNI box and/or routing to/from/within the OMNI box being the problem. I also have an old Sound Blaster Audigy card installed in the system. I've had it deactivated until just now. After activating it, I set Sonar up to use its drivers and then I had to run the cable for the speakers to the SB card so I could hear anything. I tried the audo file just now, and there is no change. With the SB card, I'm still hearing that hard pulse. So I think I've pretty much ruled out any
external hardware as a possible cause (and internal, pertaining specifically to the Delta PCI card).
I don't recall making any changes, software-wise that could be causing this. Especially, I must remind myself, since it is not restricted to Sonar. Amplitube is "infected" also, whereas several other apps on this machine are not.
I'm trying something else right now. I went to Windows' uninstall utility and I'm looking at the software by date installed. There area a couple of pieces of software that were installed around the time I first noticed this problem: a couple of toolbar apps that I don't recall giving permission for them to be there. This is really annoying. The first app won't uninstall. The uninstaller window has been just sitting there, saying "preparing to remove" for the past 15 minutes. Time to get physical.
I'll check back in once I've removed some suspect pieces of software, see if that helped any. I'm also gonna pull the Soundblaster card from the case, since I'm not using it, and uninstall all its related software.