Problem recording midi from GR=55

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December 26, 13 3:27 PM (permalink)

Problem recording midi from GR=55

First time trying to record midi from my GR-55 Roland Gtr pickup.  have midi track with input midi omni.  The Sonar midii input icon responds indicating midi input is being read, but the midi track does not lite up.  Ihave the record button on and record, but no notes are recorded.  Whats up?

Larry Williams

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    Re: Problem recording midi from GR=55 December 26, 13 4:09 PM (permalink)
    Are you using the GR-55 USB connection or a separate midi input device? In the In/Out section of the track do you have the GR-55 device you're using for input selected? If you're driving a soft synth do you hear it? If not, set up Rapture or another soft synth and get that set up. That should help you understand how to set up midi tracks.

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    Gary McCoy
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    Re: Problem recording midi from GR=55 December 26, 13 4:40 PM (permalink)
    I don't think the GR-55 sends midi notes.
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    Re: Problem recording midi from GR=55 December 26, 13 4:54 PM (permalink)
    Gary McCoy
    I don't think the GR-55 sends midi notes.

    Sure it does.

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    Re: Problem recording midi from GR=55 December 26, 13 6:25 PM (permalink)
    kepp it going!  I am in putting with the midi cable it should work, but I'm not getting the signal to record.

    Larry Williams

    A process can not be understood by stopping it. One must flow with it and become one.

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    Re: Problem recording midi from GR=55 December 26, 13 11:50 PM (permalink)
    Yeah, it should work. I input with a midi cable as well from a GR-55. Have you been able to drive a soft synth?

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    Re: Problem recording midi from GR=55 December 27, 13 3:51 AM (permalink)
    It has been a while since I have had my GR-30 out of the box, but even that has MIDI out on it.
    Just to reiterate Robert's comments. For the MIDI track you have inserted, you have the input set to MIDI Omni, but where is your output routed?
    Insert a soft synth and route the MIDI output of your MIDI track to that synth. Does the MIDI track drive it? I am also curious what audio interface you are plugging your MIDI cables into (as this may be an issue).

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    Re: Problem recording midi from GR=55 December 27, 13 8:54 AM (permalink)
    I am suing the Roland Quad core as my interface.  The midi signal appears to rach SONAR as the icon in the sys tray lights when I strum the guitar.  However, the fader meter in the midi channel, set to omni, record and echo input, does not register input and routing to the TSS does not register input. I am at a loss!

    Larry Williams

    A process can not be understood by stopping it. One must flow with it and become one.

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    Re: Problem recording midi from GR=55 December 27, 13 10:07 AM (permalink)
    So I hooked my PCR-300 keyboard.  I get signal into SONAR, but nothing registers in the meters on the midi channel or the TTA-1.  The in;put track is 24.  When ever I hit the keyboard, the track view jumps to Track 1.  This tells me SONAR is getting a midi command to jump to track one, but is not receiving notes.  I went to preferences and see nothing extraordinary.  What is going on and how can I get SONAR to receive notes?

    Larry Williams

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    Re: Problem recording midi from GR=55 December 27, 13 10:19 AM (permalink)
    Try deleting the Cakewalk.ini and TTSSEQ.INI from your user directory\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\SONAR X2 Producer. Sonar will rebuild the files the next time it is run.

    If that does not work, try re-personalizing SONAR by holding the CTRL and SHFT keys while starting SONAR.
    Dan Gonzalez [Cakewalk]
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    Re: Problem recording midi from GR=55 December 27, 13 10:44 AM (permalink)
    Try deleting the Cakewalk.ini and TTSSEQ.INI from your user directory\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\SONAR X2 Producer. Sonar will rebuild the files the next time it is run.

    If that does not work, try re-personalizing SONAR by holding the CTRL and SHFT keys while starting SONAR.

    +1 Try this
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    Re: Problem recording midi from GR=55 December 27, 13 10:58 AM (permalink)
    I also went digging on the GR-55 as I have never used it and found a thread on the vguitars forum specifically for folks having trouble setting up MIDI. They reference page 79 of the user manual as well. A couple things are not to transmit "Chromatic" from the unit, and to set the MIDI on the unit to "MONO" mode, which will send one MIDI signal per string. As you could not drive a soft synth with the input signal you were seeing on the meters, this may be a big reason why it did not record (i.e. it may not be a "standard MIDI" signal, but SONAR does see it).
    The thread is at: and is Reply #3 by shawnb.

    ASUS ROG Maximus X Hero (Wi-Fi AC), i7-8700k, 16GB RAM, GTX-1070Ti, Win 10 Pro, Saffire PRO 24 DSP, A-300 PRO, plus numerous gadgets and gizmos that make or manipulate sound in some way.
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    Re: Problem recording midi from GR=55 December 27, 13 11:10 AM (permalink)
    The USB connection will send a midi signal that SONAR sees.  I will try your suggestions for the direct midi input.

    Larry Williams

    A process can not be understood by stopping it. One must flow with it and become one.

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    Re: Problem recording midi from GR=55 December 27, 13 11:25 AM (permalink)
    Just in case, be sure to load the most recent drivers.
    Also, page 79 of the user's manual makes reference in the GTR-MIDI worth noting:
    STRING CH   (1-11)   Specifies the MIDI channel used to transmit guitar performance data. If MODE is set to “MONO,” the data will be transmitted using six channels starting with the channel you specify here. If it is set to “POLY,” performance data for all strings will be sent on the channel you specify here.
    Based on what I read, it sounds like you need to set MODE to mono, CHROMATIC to off, and check the first STRING CH number.
    In SONAR you will need six (6) MIDI channels to capture the MIDI. If STRING CH is 1, you will need 6 MIDI channels set to input MIDI channels 1-6 respectively.

    ASUS ROG Maximus X Hero (Wi-Fi AC), i7-8700k, 16GB RAM, GTX-1070Ti, Win 10 Pro, Saffire PRO 24 DSP, A-300 PRO, plus numerous gadgets and gizmos that make or manipulate sound in some way.
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    Re: Problem recording midi from GR=55 December 27, 13 12:31 AM (permalink)
    I am suing the Roland Quad core as my interface.  The midi signal appears to rach SONAR as the icon in the sys tray lights when I strum the guitar.  However, the fader meter in the midi channel, set to omni, record and echo input, does not register input and routing to the TSS does not register input. I am at a loss!

    1) In Edit -> Preferences -> MIDI Devices -> Inputs, do you see your interface and is it selected?
    2) In the track IN/OUT do you have the midi device above selected?

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    Re: Problem recording midi from GR=55 December 27, 13 12:51 AM (permalink)
    Based on what I read, it sounds like you need to set MODE to mono, CHROMATIC to off, and check the first STRING CH number.

    Mono/poly is a matter of preference. I have mine set to poly mode. I used a JP 8080 for a long time and it didn't support mono mode. It depends on your playing style - if you play slide and you don't keep the slide orthogonal to the strings you'll want to use mono mode or if you play one string and slide some others. In poly mode, when you slide or bend, the bend information is applied to all notes sounding. If you play a double stop and bend one of the notes - that won't work in poly mode.
    In terms of guitar technique mono would be the preference, but some synths may not support it or have other limitations when you try to use it.

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