[Solved] Sonar X1 Producer sudden weird latency issue
Hi All,
I just started experiencing a strange issue with latency while trying to record with Sonar X1 Producer. I've been recording for over a year with this program and have had no latency issues prior to today.
Here's the rundown:
I've got a Roland Quad-Capture interface that I use for audio and midi recording. Very fast ASIO device, no noticeable latency (until today.) I went to start a new project, got tracks set up and was starting to get going recording my guitars (direct into quad-capture) when all of a sudden, during recording, the latency appeared to slip and now monitoring as I'm playing during recording and playback is noticably off from my live playing.
I then tried to record a drum section via MIDI (TD-9 kit into Quad-Capture MIDI, triggering sounds from Superior Drummer plugin.) I've had no problems in the past recording this way. The same latency issue happened.
Here's the weirdest / most frustrating part: When I'm not "playing" or "recording" a track, and I'm just using input echo monitoring for a track... there is no latency. I can shred to my hearts content, add FX, use Guitar Rig, use plugins, etc., and there is no latency issue. As soon as I hit play or record, BOOM, unacceptable latency.
Really hope you guys have some ideas on this that I can try. I'm really frustrated. I've looked at all the setting menus in regard to record / playback buffering, and ASIO latency and everything looks normal to me. As I said, the last time I used Sonar to record, no problems at all. As far as I know, no settings have been changed since then. I booted it up this time and got hit with this issue.
Thanks in advance for your help!
post edited by Anderton - 2014/01/18 10:37:15